السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
أعضاء و مشرفي و اداريي شبكة العنكبوت ..
أنا لدي مشكلة وددت أن اجد لها الحل و بعد قرائتي لكل الاستفسارات لم اجد شخصا يستفسر عنها
المشكلة هي أني عند تطبيق الثغرة و بعد كتابة كلمة exploit لا يتم الاستغلال كالتالي
msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > exploit
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Automatically detecting the target...
*** NEW FINGERPRINT: PLEASE SEND TO [ msfdev[at]metasploit.com ]
VERS: $Revision: 8941 $
OS: Windows 7 Professional
SP: (Build 7600)
FP: 000002000c02000000800100d8010000980100006201000000 c0010026010000
FP: ec000000c000000000800101760000003c0000001000000049 006e0074006500
FP: 72006e00650074002000550052004c0020005000720069006e 00740065007200
FP: 73000000570069006e0064006f007700730020004e00540020 0049006e007400
FP: 650072006e00650074002000500072006f0076006900640065 00720000005700
FP: 69006e0064006f007700730020004e005400200049006e0074 00650072006e00
FP: 6500740020005000720069006e00740069006e006700000049 006d0070007200
FP: 69006d0061006e007400650073002000640069007300740061 006e0074006500
FP: 73000000530065007200760069006300650073002000640019 2069006d007000
FP: 720065007300730069006f006e0020004c0061006e004d0061 006e0000004900
FP: 6d007000720065007300730069006f006e002000e000200064 00690073007400
FP: 61006e006300650000004c006f00630061006c006c00790020 0063006f006e00
FP: 6e006500630074006500640020005000720069006e00740065 00720073000000
FP: 570069006e0064006f007700730020004e00540020004c006f 00630061006c00
FP: 20005000720069006e0074002000500072006f007600690064 006f0072000000
FP: 570069006e0064006f007700730020004e00540020004c006f 00630061006c00
FP: 20005000720069006e00740065007200730000000c02000003 00000000000000
TXT: Internet URL Printers
TXT: Windows NT Internet Provider
TXT: Windows NT Internet Printing
TXT: Imprimantes distantes
TXT: Services d impression LanMan
TXT: Impression à distance
TXT: Locally connected Printers
TXT: Windows NT Local Print Providor
TXT: Windows NT Local Printers
[*] Fingerprint: Windows 7 Professional (Build 7600) - lang:Unknown[*] Could not determine the exact language pack[*] exploit completed, but no session was created.
msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) >
hgn ofvhxYojvhr hgh[i.m fhgldjh >>>fu] ;jhfm exploit