بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم MSN Password Recovery v1.23.08.07 برنامج يستعيد باسورد ماسينجر الهوتميل في حالة النسيان .
MSN Messenger Password Recovery is the MSN password finder that instantly cracks and decrypts the MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger 8 and Windows Messenger passwords stored on your computer. It can be used to recover your forgotten MSN password. Program works when the "Remember my Password" tickbox is checked in the messenger and you are able to login automatically without entering your password. All versions of MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger and Windows Messenger are supported. Multiple accounts are also supported. Even if you have un-installed the messenger - there is still a chance that you can recover the password. Just run the program and click the "Recover Password!" button to see if you can recover your passwords! الحجم 1.5 ميجا تقريبا أضغط هنا لتحميل البرنامج ومعه برنامج تغير لون الفولدر
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