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قديم 01-28-2010, 09:40 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي برنامج رائع لنسخ ملفاتك على الاسطوانات Ashampoo Burning Studio 9.21 Multilanguage

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

احبائي الحلوين :a39:
طبعا انتم شايفين بأنفسكم البرامج الى بقدمها لكم كل يوم

كل ما هو جدبد برنامج افضل من برامج وجميعها مفيدة وجديدة

والان اقدم لكم برنامج رائع لنسخ مواد الجهاز او ملفاتك على الاسطوانات

بأختصار احفظ ملفاتك على الاسطوانات افضل من سطح المكتب وجهاز الكمبيوتر هذا من ناحيتي

الان جاء دور التعريف بالبرنامج والتحميل

Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 is a major update that improves almost every aspect of the program, adding many new features and capabilities in every part of the program. It also introduces a new Movie Editor for editing and combining your videos before Burning them to DVD.The Movie Editor has functions for cutting, transitions, fades, subtitles, titles and more, plus a point-and-click DVD menu editor with animated themes for creating great-looking interfaces for your DVD movies.

The new version also packed with improvements, new features and fine tuning that make all Burning Studio’s functions more powerful and even easier to use. Easy, not limited Anyone who has ever struggled with complicated disc Burning software is always amazed when they try Ashampoo Burning Studio. This is how software should be: Instead of studying complicated manuals you just choose what you want to do and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen. For example, to make a DVD you select Create a Video DVD and the program guides you through the steps of adding clips, building menus and Burning the disc.

This doesn’t mean the program has been “dumbed down”: Burning Studio is a complete and powerful disc Burning suite that also satisfies advanced users with all the tweaking features you expect from less accessible programs.
General program improvements
In addition to user interface fine-tuning there has been a large number of new features added, many of which were suggested by Burning Studio users. The items in the following list are just the top highlights New features in Burning Studio 9

التحميل من هنا يا شطور :a41: كسرت الكيبورد وانتا تدور على الرابط

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