عدد النقاط : 10
اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة M3 nafsk شباب اش فيكم مافي شل بصيغه هذى ماعمري سمعت انوا فيه شل بغير صيغته الحقيقيه php هذى مجرد حيل تحتال فيها على مراكز التحميل هذا والله اعلم < يتكلم عن نفسه http://vbspiders.com/vb/t41011.html keep up bro
the bad Game sometimes i help my friend and raise him to the sky in cloudy day everything has been changed by different way the most bad thing ever for me is arrogance insolently he was arrogant to me he want me trampling his face and everyone ask him why there is footsteps on your face my silence means just to give him more chance to correct his problem