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-   -   [Product] : Vbcms القوائم الجانبية واضافات كثيره غير معرب (http://www.vbspiders.com/vb/t12454.html)

xman2 05-31-2009 08:35 AM

[Product] : Vbcms القوائم الجانبية واضافات كثيره غير معرب
Vbcms القوائم الجانبية واضافات كثيره غير معرب


vBCMS is a completely vBulletin Integrated Framework and Portal System. Being designed modular, webmasters are able to customize vBCMS in a very easy way. The current Version of vBCMS contains a Portal, a ******* management System, a links directory and many Modules (more information below). Offering its own framework it’s also very easy to expand vBCMS with complex Scripts. These features make vBCMS to the ideal solution for ambitious webmasters!

Main Features
vBCMS offers a System to manage “global Modules”, small boxes displaying important information like last threads, forum news, stats, today’s birthdays, etc.
The Administrator can import/export Modules as XML-Files

+ Many vBCMS-Users share their modules at the vBDesigns Forum
Modules can be placed in right/middle/left column
Modules can be enabled in the forum and on various vBCMS Pages
vBCMS contains 14 default modules (explained below)
Many Settings for each Module

vBCMS contains a framework to integrate complex scripts (Areas).
Areas can be imported/exported via the ACP
vBCMS contains three default Areas (explained below):

+ Homepage (Simple Portal Page)
+ ******* Management System
+ Links directory
Many Settings for each Area
Areas can be disabled via the ACP

Tabbed Forum-Navigation
Displayed on top of the Default-Navigation bar
+ Areas
+ Forum-Link
+ Custom Links
Can be disabled via the ACP
Customizable via a CSS-File

Default Modules
Navigation Module
Displayed Links depend of the user’s permissions
Up to 4 levels depth

News Module
Avatar is displayed
You can set a maximum amount of characters to be displayed
Postcache is used to improve the performance
*******s depend on the user’s permissions
Amount of maximum displayed News can be set via ACP
News can be displayed in two columns
You can choose which threads should be displayed as news

Login Module
Avatar of the user logged in is displayed
Amount of private messages is displayed
If the user is logged in a logout link is displayed

Who’s online
Displayed Information: Users, Guests, Total, Staff-Members
Staff and “Normal” users can be split

Poll Module
Current poll is displayed (depending on the user’s permissions)

Last Threads
*******s depending on the user’s permissions
Preview of a thread in a dhtml-popup possible
postcache is used to improve performance
You can exclude forums from display

Statistics Module
You can choose the amount of new users to be displayed

Birthday Module
Forumlist Module
You can chose the maximum depth of forums to be shown
Displayed Forums dependent of the user’s permissions

Calendar Module
Mini-Calendar of the actual month
Welcome Module
Search Module
You can search in vBCMS Pages

Last Links
*******s depending of the user’s permissions
You can exclude Link-Categories
You can set the maximum amount of links to be displayed

Various Designs
Preview of the ******* Text
You can choose the pages which should be displayed

System Requirements
PHP 4.3.3
MySQL 4.0.16
vBulletin (minimum required Version is 3.6.)

باختصار شديد قمت بتجربتها وهي بتطع قوائم جانبية على حافتي المنتدى من الشمال واليمن وما بحبشت فيها كثر رفعتها ع السريع صوره الها ع السيرفر الشخصي مرفوعه على مركز ترايدنت


الساعة الآن 03:09 PM

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