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طريقه جديده لفك الهاشات من مسلم عربي جزاه الله خير السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيفكم اخواني جميع طاقم شبكة العناكب طبعا وانا ابحث عن ادوات وبرامج حصلت موضوع لشخص عربي كان منزل الموضوع في موقع هكر اجنبي المهم حبيت انقل لكم الموضوع لتعم الفائده طبعا الموضوع منقووول وحقوق الشرح لصاحب الموضوع وعلى بركة الله نبداء The name of allah Merciful To Day I Present one Of The Most Successful ways To Decrypt MD5 Hashes by useing Rainbow table . First What Is MD5 ? MD5 is an algorithm that is used to verify data integrity through the creation of a 128-bit message digest from data input (which may be a message of any length) that is claimed to be as unique to that specific data as a fingerprint is to the specific individual. MD5, which was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT, is intended for use with digital signature applications, which require that large files must be compressed by a secure method before being encrypted with a secret key, under a public key cryptosystem. MD5 is currently a standard, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 1321. According to the standard, it is "computationally infeasible" that any two messages that have been input to the MD5 algorithm could have as the output the same message digest, or that a false message could be created through apprehension of the message digest. MD5 is the third message digest algorithm created by Rivest. All three (the others are MD2 and MD4) have similar structures, but MD2 was optimized for 8-bit machines, in comparison with the two later formulas, which are optimized for 32-bit machines. The MD5 algorithm is an extension of MD4, which the critical review found to be fast, but possibly not absolutely secure. In comparison, MD5 is not quite as fast as the MD4 algorithm, but offers much more assurance of data security. How rainbow crack Work ? Rainbow Crack Use Data Bases Which Generated by The program , The Program Use This Data Bases to Search in to The crypt word (hash) , until Find The Same Hash in the Data Base and the Corresponding Word (Decrypted Hash). Explain The Program THE EXPLAIN OF PROGRAM IN THREE PARTS : 1- Data Base Generation 2- Data Base Activation 3- Decryption follow The Commentary cameraman ,, The Program Data Base Generation Data Base Activation Decryption Download Code: http://www.mediafire.com/?y2d3nlmrm1x pass : pass : security-sh3ll SQL INJECTOR |
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