الشبح المرح | 05-06-2010 11:01 PM | مشكلة في تثبيت ادوات الباك تراك السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
اليوم معي ملف لتثبيت ادوات الباك تراك و هو مبرمج عن طريق الباش
لم اعرف كيف اثبتو لاني مبتدأ لينكس
ارجو مساعدتي في تثبيتو كود:
# System Configuration & Utilities
apt-get -y install build-essential
apt-get -y install linux-headers-`uname -r`
apt-get -y install sysvconfig
apt-get -y install bum ## Boot-Up Manager
apt-get -y install tofrodos ## DOS utils
apt-get -y install xinetd ## why not.
apt-get -y install unrar ## RAR support
apt-get -y install p7zip-full ## 7-Zip support
apt-get -y install fcrackzip ## Zip cracking
apt-get -y install ipcalc ## handy
apt-get -y install sharutils ## uuencode / uudecode
apt-get -y install xclip ## piping is handy
apt-get -y install ldap-utils
apt-get -y install cabextract ## damn microsoft!
apt-get -y install g++
apt-get -y install ssh
## Network services
apt-get -y install samba
apt-get -y install nis
apt-get -y install nfs
apt-get -y install smbfs ## samba utilities
## apt-get -y install tftpd ## you need to modify the /etc/init.d file...
# system monitoring
apt-get -y install ntop ##
apt-get -y install sysstat ## iostat,sar,mpstat
apt-get -y install procinfo
# Package Management
#apt-get -y install apt-build
#apt-get -y install apt-dpkg-ref
#apt-get -y install apt-listbugs
apt-get -y install apt-file
#apt-get -y install apt-howto
apt-get -y install apt-utils
apt-get -y install apt-listchanges
apt-get -y install dconf
# Terminal Emulators
apt-get -y install tn5250
apt-get -y install screen
# Filesystem Support
apt-get -y install sshfs
apt-get -y install ntfs-3g
apt-get -y install ntfs-config
apt-get -y install ntfsprogs
apt-get -y install mkisofs
# Gnome-Specific Configuration
apt-get -y install gconf
apt-get -y install gnomebaker
apt-get -y install nautilus-open-terminal
# apt-get -y install isakmpd
apt-get -y install vpnc
# Multimedia
apt-get -y install amarok
apt-get -y install xmms
apt-get -y install xmms-skins
apt-get -y install xmms-mp4
apt-get -y install mpg123
apt-get -y install totem-xine
apt-get -y install ksnapshot
apt-get -y install istanbul
apt-get -y install recordmydesktop
apt-get -y install gtk-recordmydesktop
apt-get -y install xvidcap
# Basics
# Netcat & Tunnelling
apt-get -y install netcat
apt-get -y install sbd
apt-get -y install cryptcat
apt-get -y install socat
apt-get -y install vtun
apt-get -y install stunnel
# Scanning Tools
apt-get -y install nmap
apt-get -y install nessusd
apt-get -y install nessus
apt-get -y install fping
apt-get -y install hping2
apt-get -y install hping3
apt-get -y install scapy
apt-get -y install snmp
#apt-get -y install sing #send icmp nasty garbage
apt-get -y install traceroute
apt-get -y install tcptraceroute
apt-get -y install ike-scan ## ipsec vpn tool
apt-get -y install nbtscan ## cifs info tool
apt-get -y install sslscan
# Passive Scanning Tools
apt-get -y install p0f
apt-get -y install pads
# Sniffing Tools
apt-get -y install wireshark
apt-get -y install ettercap
apt-get -y install ettercap-gtk
apt-get -y install tcpdump
apt-get -y install tcpflow
apt-get -y install ssldump
apt-get -y install nemesis # packet injection
apt-get -y install dsniff
apt-get -y install etherape
# Libraries
apt-get -y install libssl #Medusa
apt-get -y install libssl-dev #Medusa
apt-get -y install libssh-2 #Medusa
apt-get -y install python-pycurl #wfuzz
apt-get -y install libnet-dns-perl #fierce.pl
apt-get -y install libsnmp-perl #??
apt-get -y install libcrypt-ssleay-perl #HEAD,GET,POST, libwhisker
apt-get -y install libnet-ssleay-perl # "" ""
apt-get -y install ncurses-dev # kismet-newcore
apt-get -y install libpcap-dev # kismet-newcore
# Cracking Tools
apt-get -y install john
apt-get -y install medusa
## apt-get -y install hydra? ## not really that useful..
# Wireless Tools
##apt-get -y install kismet ## disabled because of kismet-ng
apt-get -y install aircrack
apt-get -y install aircrack-ng
# App Layer Tools
apt-get -y install wget
apt-get -y install curl
apt-get -y install nikto
## Scripting
apt-get -y install ruby
apt-get -y install python
apt-get -y install perl
apt-get -y install perl-doc
apt-get -y install gawk
apt-get -y install vim-ruby
apt-get -y install vim-python
## Ruby - Gems
apt-get -y install gems
apt-get -y install rubygems
## Metasploit dependencies
apt-get -y install libopenssl-ruby
apt-get -y install ruby-libglade2
apt-get -y install libgtk2-ruby
## Scapy - Python Dependencies - http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/portability.html
apt-get -y install graphviz # graph stuff
apt-get -y install imagemagick # graph stuff
apt-get -y install python-gnuplot # PacketList.plot()
apt-get -y install python-crypto # WEP Stuff
apt-get -y install python-visual # 3D Stuff
apt-get -y install python-pyx # pdfdump() / psdump()
apt-get -y install acroread
apt-get -y install gv
apt-get -y install sox
## ProxyStrike Dependencies
apt-get -y install python-qt4
apt-get -y install python-openssl
## W3af Dependencies
apt-get -y install python-pyparsing
apt-get -y install python-pydot
apt-get -y install python-soappy
## Coding
##apt-get -y install eclipse - get the latest version...
apt-get -y install kdevelop
apt-get -y install subversion
apt-get -y install rapidsvn
apt-get -y install vim-full
apt-get -y install git
apt-get -y install git-core
## ********ation
apt-get -y install notecase
apt-get -y install vim
apt-get -y install liferea
## Web / Browser Utilities
apt-get -y install azureus
apt-get -y install opera
apt-get -y install filezilla
apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree
apt-get -y install pidgin
apt-get -y install pidgin-otr
apt-get -y install thunderbird
apt-get -y install lightning-extension
apt-get -y install enigmail
apt-get -y install irssi
apt-get -y install silc
apt-get -y install tor
## Windows Stuff
apt-get -y install wine
apt-get -y install quicksynergy
## Encryption
apt-get -y install dmsetup
apt-get -y install password-gorilla
apt-get -y install gpa
apt-get -y install seahorse
## Java
apt-get -y install sun-java6-jre
apt-get -y install sun-java6-plugin
#set our java version to java-6-sun as this plays well with burpsuite
update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
## Upgrade & Such
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
## Remove auto-start services
update-rc.d -f exim4 remove
update-rc.d -f tor remove
update-rc.d -f ntop remove
update-rc.d -f p0f remove ## not sure this is necessary
update-rc.d -f pads remove
update-rc.d -f isakmpd remove
update-rc.d -f nessusd remove
update-rc.d -f cups remove
update-rc.d -f samba remove
update-rc.d -f nis remove
update-rc.d -f nfs-common remove
### Manual installs
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### truecrypt -- http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-edgy/
### - you will need the linux kernel source for this one...
### onesixtyone -- http://www.phreedom.org/solar/onesixtyone/
### libdvdcss2 -- "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/./install-css.sh" |