عدد النقاط : 10
i tutorial talk about the fuzzing step by writen a small python script and fuzz the pro base and fiding the bug and turn it to remot buffer overflow exploit http://www.vimeo.com/8561768 you will find thier the paper trhing and stp*ef have a best regard المصدر: :: vBspiders Professional Network ::Remote buffer overflow tutorial
Remote buffer overflow tutorial
thanks brother for video and being follow-up the video
thankx m4n for step by
عدد النقاط : 11
thank's ya man keep up
you are the great
من دون اي تعليق احلى تقييييييييم .. !!@!! ..
] هويــ من دون البشر ــتو ...... هجـــ وهو اللي خسر ــرني [ Algerian Forces j[at]ck3r[dot]biz
thank you
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