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قديم 06-27-2011, 08:48 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية JetLi


إحصائية العضو

JetLi غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
JetLi is on a distinguished road

. برامج فحص على اللينكس (فحص BOF( على السورس كود

اعتذر لمشغولياتي هذه الايام واقدم لكم برنامج وجدته وللأسف لم اجربه لانه لايوجد لدي لينكس مركب على جهازي اتمنى التجربة والرد على الموضوع
This is the main web site for flawfinder, a program that examines source code and reports possible security weaknesses (``flaws'') sorted by risk level. It's very useful for quickly finding and removing at least some potential security problems before a program is widely released to the public. See ``how does Flawfinder work?'', below, for more information on how it works.

Flawfinder is specifically designed to be easy to install and use. After installing it, at a command line just type:

flawfinder directory_with_source_code

Flawfinder works on Unix-like systems today (it's been tested on GNU/Linux), and it should be easy to port to Windows systems. It requires Python 1.5 or greater to run (Python 1.3 or earlier won't work).

Please take a look at other static analysis tools for security, too. One reason I wrote flawfinder was to encourage using static analysis tools to find security vulnerabilities.

Sample Output

If you're curious what the results look like, here are some sample outputs:

The actual text output (when allowing all potential vulnerabilities to be displayed)
The actual HTML output, with context information. This output uses the "--context" option; the text of the risky line is included in the output, which some people find useful. Note that you can use your own web browser to display the results! (And yes, normally flawfinder scans code orders of magnitude faster than this - this is an intentionally stressing test case).

All of these results came from analyzing this test C program.

The test code intentionally includes a large number of security problems, both to test flawfinder and show what it can find; hopefully the code you're analyzing won't have quite so many high-risk vulnerabilities!


Flawfinder is released under the General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later, and thus is open source software (as defined by the Open Source Definition) and Free Software (as defined by the Free Software Foundation's GNU project). Feel free to see Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS) References or Why OSS/FS? Look at the Numbers! for more information about OSS/FS.

Others have found it useful. Here are few testimonials:

I just installed the 0.21 version of Flawfinder. I tried a few different code checking tools and it's by far the friendliest to use. - Darryl Luff
I just sent tons of C/C++ source through flawfinder 1.0. Thanks for the tool, it found several places that I have now fixed. - Joerg Beyer
Thank you for flawfinder! It has helped me in many ways over the last year, for which I am truly [grateful]! - Elfyn McBratney
The other day I was about to clean some old code. After receiving 17K lines of mixed C/C++ I realized that running some kind of source code analyser would be a good idea. I downloaded a whole bunch'of'em (tm), but the only tool that just plain worked on the first run was Flawfinder. Easy to use, no hazzles with strange parameters or configfiles! Instead of learning new software I could concentrate on what I wanted, namely to get down'n'dirty with the code. Thanks! - Jon Bj***246;rkeb***228;ck, developer, Sweden
flawfinder is a good tool for finding potential security issues, and I've been happily using it for a few months now. - Steve Kemp, Debian Security Audit Project, 2004-05-22
I would like to thank you for this awesome piece of software. We are using it in our project Scribus (scribus.net) for a few days. It's very helpful for us. cheers! - Petr Vanek, developer, 2005-12-10
thanx for this great tool. It's working da*n good. I'm using it against wireshark [previously named ethereal] and it is really useful to track potential misuse of C functions. - Sebastien Tandel, developer, 2007-01-10
"Hurra FlawFinder ! FlawFinder is the greatest software of the World. We are fans ! With FlawFinder we never have buffer overflow... With FlawFinder we always find FlawFlaw to make 300 000 getinfos in 300 seconds ! FlawFinder is the Kikipédia of the day." - Christophe JUILLET, 2008-10-08


Flawfinder comes with a simple manual describing how to use it. If you're not sure you want to take the plunge to install the program, you can just look at the ********ation first. The ********ation is available in the following formats:



Just select one of the following formats to get the latest version of flawfinder (including the program, installation scripts, and ********ation):

flawfinder in .tar.gz (``tarball'') format).
flawfinder in installable RPM (``noarch binary'') format. This is the easiest version to install on RPM-based GNU/Linux systems, such as Red Hat Linux 7.1.
flawfinder in source RPM format (useful for any RPM-based system).

The current version of flawfinder is 1.27. If you want to see how it's changed, view its ChangeLog. You can even go look at the flawfinder source code directly.

You can also visit the SourceForge flawfinder project page - downloads are available there, and you definitely need to go there if you want to get on the mailing list, submit a bug report or feature request, or see/get the latest drafts.

Many Unix-like systems have a package already available to them.

Debian users can quickly download and install flawfinder using apt-get, as usual (my thanks to Adam Lazur for doing the Debian packaging):

apt-get install flawfinder

For RPM files, download and install them as you would normally install an RPM file. If you want to install the RPM file through a command line, this would be:

rpm -Uvh flawfinder-*.noarch.rpm

It's also available in many other distributions. Flawfinder is available via FreeBSD's Ports system (see this FreeBSD ports query for flawfinder and flawfinder info for security-related ports). OpenBSD includes flawfinder in its "ports". NetBSD users can simply use NetBSD's pkgsrc to install flawfinder (my thanks to Thomas Klausner for doing the flawfinder NetBSD packaging). The Fink project, which packages OSS/FS for Darwin and Mac OS X, has a Fink flawfinder package, so users of those systems may find that an easy way to get flawfinder.

But if there's no package available to you, or it's old, you can install flawfinder directly using the tarball format. On Unix-like systems, if you choose the tarball format, you can uncompress and install it in the usual manner. First, uncompress them and become root to install:

gunzip flawfinder-*.tar.gz
tar xvf flawfinder-*.tar
cd flawfinder-*

Then install. You can install to the default installation directory, /usr/local, which will put the program in /usr/local/bin and the manual inside /usr/local/man, by invoking:

make install

You can override these defaults using standard GNU conventions, by overriding on the make command INSTALL_DIR (normally /usr/local), INSTALL_DIR_BIN (usually INSTALL_DIR/bin), and/or INSTALL_DIR_MAN (usually INSTALL_DIR/man). For example, to install the binary in /usr/bin, and the manual pages inside /usr/share/man (like a Red Hat Linux system would tend to be configured), do this:

make INSTALL_DIR=/usr INSTALL_DIR_MAN=/usr/share/man install

Cygwin systems (for Microsoft Windows) need to set "PYTHONEXT=.py" in the make command, like this:

make PYTHONEXT=.py install

see the installation instructions for more information.

Joining the flawfinder community

Flawfinder is now hosted on SourceForge. You can discuss how to use or improve the tool on its mailing list, and you can see the latest drafts on the Subversion version control system.
Flawfinder is written in Python, to simplify the task of writing and extending it. Python code is not as fast as C code, but for the task I believe it's just fine. Flawfinder version 0.12 on a 400Mhz Pentium II system analyzed 51055 lines in 39.7 seconds, resulting in an average of 1285 analyzed lines/second. Flawfinder 1.20 and later will report their speed (in analyzed lines/second) if you're curious.
How does Flawfinder Work?

Flawfinder works by using a built-in database of C/C++ functions with well-known problems, such as buffer overflow risks (e.g., strcpy(), strcat(), gets(), sprintf(), and the scanf() family), format string problems ([v][f]printf(), [v]snprintf(), and syslog()), race conditions (such as access(), chown(), chgrp(), chmod(), tmpfile(), tmpnam(), tempnam(), and mktemp()), potential shell metacharacter dangers (most of the exec() family, system(), popen()), and poor random number acquisition (such as random()). The good thing is that you don't have to create this database - it comes with the tool.

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fvhl[ tpw ugn hggdk;s (tpw BOF( hgs,vs


التهكير يجعلك تنظر للحياة بعمق وترو



رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-27-2011, 08:58 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية bleu moon


إحصائية العضو

bleu moon غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 12
bleu moon is on a distinguished road


رح اجربوا وارد عليك


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-27-2011, 09:23 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية k4$p3r-MA


إحصائية العضو

k4$p3r-MA غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
k4$p3r-MA is on a distinguished road





دعواتكم معنا بالنجاح و لجميع المسلمين
Yes I we will bE BaCk 2013



رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-27-2011, 09:25 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية abdellatef


إحصائية العضو

abdellatef غير متواجد حالياً

إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى abdellatef



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
abdellatef is on a distinguished road


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