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قديم 06-12-2008, 04:49 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor v4.3.1 ممتع جدا للصغار والكبار في تعلم الطباعة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor v4.3.1

صور للبرنامج :

برنامج ممتع جدا للصغار والكبار في تعلم الطباعة الانجليزية بإحتراف ودون ان تصاب بالملل بوجود الصور المتحركة مع الاصوات التي تنسيك انك في درس تعلم الطباعة

Ten Thumbs is the easy and fun way to learn to type. Ideal for adults and kids alike, Ten Thumbs teaches you the 5 habits of effective typing. It includes support for English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch languages and keyboards, adaptive lessons, and a real world language generator. You can even type your tunes with SongSeeker using Apple's iTunes software. Two addictive games let you take a break from the lessons.

* Learn Typing with a Viking. Let our Typing Viking take the monotony out of learning to type. He's fun, friendly, and very helpful. All new animations and sounds take you through the lessons: you'll have so much fun you'll forget you're learning.
* Learn the 5 Habits of highly effective touch typing. Ten Thumbs will teach you life long skills that will help you understand the principles of touch Typing and help you use your computer more effectively.
* Adaptive lessons. Ten Thumbs monitors your progress and automatically adjusts the lessons to your skill level. You learn at your own pace, and focus on your weaknesses.
* Two Addictive Games. Take a break from practising with the Brick Factory and Safari Park.
* Real World Language Generator. Ten Thumbs produces fresh and exciting sentences for you to type, each lesson is different. You never get bored Typing the same thing over and over again.
* Learn in English, Spanish, German or French
Full student reports. Watch your progress from hunt 'n peck beginner to power touch typist.
* Highly Customisable. Set your targets, change your feedback options, choose your keyboard and much more.
* Teacher Options. Set up student classes in advance. Monitor your students progress, set student options and goals. Control your students access to games, and options.
* Use Extra Practice to practice specific keys, review fingering or import your own text to type (.rtf and .txt files supported).
* Runs on Windows and Mac OS X.

لتحميل البرنامج + مفتاح التسجيل:

لمن يعاني من Rapidshare .. رابط آخر للبرنامج

حجمه : 11,7MB

متوافق مع :Mac OS X/Any Linux Distribution/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

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والســــــــــلام خير الختام

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor v4>3>1 llju []h ggwyhv ,hg;fhv td jugl hg'fhum


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