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قديم 06-13-2008, 06:47 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي EbookMaker ver.2.1 لصناعة الكتب الالكترونية باضافات جديدة - اخر اصدا

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

مرحبا اخوانى

EbookMaker ver.2.1

متوافق ويدعم فيستيا

واحد من افضل البرامج المتخصصة فى صناعة الكتب الالكترونية ان لم يكن افضلها بالفعل

ياتى البرنامج فى هذا الاصدار بمميزات واضافات تذكر منها

امكانية اضافة الملفات الصوتية وملفات الفلاش والجافا والصور المتحركة

نبذة :

Ebook Maker is a professional Ebook compiler software. It can compile all HTML files and their included image, JavaScript, Flash, MP3, and video files in a specific folder into a standalone .EXE file. Such file is easy to distribute via CDROM, Email, and Internet. Ebook uses Internet Explorer to display its HTML pages, so readers don't have to install any other software to open Ebook for reading. Simple and easy to use, Ebook Maker provides a variety of features to meet any custom need which an Ebook author may have for user interface, functions, and ******* protection, etc.
Key Benefits:

* Make your own Ebook: With Ebook Maker, you can make your own Ebook, ezine, catalog, and multimedia presentation very easily within just a few minutes. All you should do is to save relevant *******s as HTML files with FrontPage or Microsoft Word first, and then convert these files with Ebook Maker to make an Ebook. Thanks to the flexibility and expandability of HTML language, you may add audio, video, animation, and other multimedia *******s to your Ebook.

* Easier reading and distribution: In contrast to a great number of HTML pages and included files, a standalone .EXE file can be distributed more conveniently via CDROM, website, or email. The author doesn't have to worry about missing any file, and readers don't need to install any third party software before opening an Ebook to read upon downloading. Their pleasure of reading won't be interrupted since Ebook viewer works similar to web browsers.

* Sell Ebook via Internet: Ebook Maker provides different Ebook expiration mode, protection mode and password type by which the author can effectively protect his Ebook *******s while he sells Ebook for profit on Internet. Ebook can also be used as an efficient Internet marketing tool to promote the author's website.

الحجم : 6.43 م ب تقريبا

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EbookMaker ver>2>1 gwkhum hg;jf hghg;jv,kdm fhqhthj []d]m - hov hw]h


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