التواصل المباشر مع الادارة والاعضاء القدامى من خلال قناة التلغرام

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قديم 04-14-2009, 02:01 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية |-Doom[PS]-|


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افتراضي بـرنـامج All My Movies v5.3 Build 1280

All My Movies™ is intended for those who are tired of managing their home movie collection. It is an easy to use DVD catalog program. You can use it to catalogue your personal collection of DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, etc... You do not need to type all movie details, All My Movies™ will download all the details from the internet movie database automatically! Basically, all a user has to do is to insert a DVD or scan a hard-drive. The program will extract all movie information - title, director, actors, description, genre, languages, subtitles, etc. If absent, this information can be imported from online movie databases, like IMDb.com with one mouse click or entered manually.

All My Movies™ is really a multilingual video organizer application. It now supports English, Russian, Greek, Dutch, French, Belorussian, Latvian, Polish, Serbian, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Korean, Danish, Chinese, Slovak and German languages.

The best software product for a movie collector. Make your own movie catalog today! The program is Vista compatible. You can catalog your Blu-ray and HD DVD discs with All My Movies™ too!

لــلـــــتـــحــــميـــل ورؤيـــة المـزيد

fJvkJhl[ All My Movies v5>3 Build 1280


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