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قديم 04-16-2009, 12:41 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية |-Doom[PS]-|


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افتراضي بـرنـامج Adion djDecks v0.94-UNION

Adion djDecks v0.94-UNION | 9.2 MB

djDecks offers you up to three decks to load your songs in (2 are shown by default) Each deck has a pitch slider with a selectable range from +-8% up to +-100% You can pre-listen the song using headphones through the rear-out of your 3d-soundcard, with a second sound card, by splitting left and right channels or by using ASIO drivers. djDecks has a very advanced bpm detection that will help you synchronizing your songs. It's very easy to set a cue-point and start your song exactly when you want it at the position you want. Beat-matching two songs is also made easier by using the virtual record to speed a song up or down.

-Play mp3, wma, ogg, flac, wav and aif files in up to 4 decks as well as Audio CD's
-Change pitch with 4 different ranges from +/-8% to +/-100%
-Change volume, play and pause (instant-start) with low latency (up to 2ms with ASIO, up to 10ms with DirectSound)
-Edit ID3v2 tags for mp3's and the ogg vorbis tag for ogg files
-Fast and accurate automatic BPM detection
Pre-Listening :
-Through Soundcard rear-out,
-Through Left/Right splitter or
-Through Second Soundcard
Mix on an external mixer :
-Player 1 to Front Out, Player 2 to Rear Out or
-Player 1 to Soundcard 1, Player 2 to Soundcard 2
-DirectSound or ASIO output
-Spectrum analyzer, stereo VU Meter
-Configurable song break and startup speed for turntable-like effects.

لــلـــــتـــحــــميـــل ورؤيـــة المـزيد

fJvkJhl[ Adion djDecks v0>94-UNION


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