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قديم 04-23-2009, 03:41 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي بـرنـامج Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3.03 Multilanguage Portable

Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3 resizes and converts your digital movies and video clips to other formats quickly and with very high quality. It can also Burn your videos to DVDs, Blu-Ray discs and video CDs that are compatible with the player in your living room. You just select the target device type (DVD Player, Computer, PDA, Internet) and then choose the format you want to use and the maximum file size. Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3 takes care of everything else for you. You can convert clips and movies to share them with your friends, to play them on mobile devices and for uploading to YouTube and other video sites. You can also convert non copy-protected DVD videos to other more compact formats and Burn your converted videos to DVDs, video CDs and Blu-ray discs.

لــلـــــتـــحــــميـــل ورؤيـــة المـزيد

fJvkJhl[ Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3>03 Multilanguage Portable


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