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قديم 04-29-2009, 01:24 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي بـرنـامج File Synchronizer Pro 4.56.1990 PR

File Synchronizer Pro 4.56.1990 PR | 5.42 MB

New version of Super Flexible File Synchronizer - next update utility to synchronize and backup files. The program supports synchronization with the server via FTP protocol works with zip archives, supports data encryption, a built scheduler. At the Windows NT / 2000/XP, the scheduler can run as a service - without having to log on. Application allows you to save configuration settings in multiple profiles, allows you to specify filters and masks to determine the exact terms of synchronization. Smart feature allows you to temporarily skip the file, run any application, to begin to synchronize again later. Minimum load of CPU.

The program supports FTP (file transfer program) and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, ZIP compression, encoding and scheduler for automated copies. In systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, or 2003 Server, the scheduler can be loaded as a service and users will not have to enter the network (by entering a name and password). In Windows XP or newer systems, captured files can be copied using the "Service Volume Shadow Copy" (Volume Shadow Service). With this program, the user will be able to freely select files and folders across the whole hierarchy of folders in the tree diagram. In addition, also supported by email notification, profile categories, and various filters. The proposed program supports the characters and the universal code in the File names, File paths of length up to 32767 characters, and much more.

لــلـــــتـــحــــميـــل ورؤيـــة المـزيد

fJvkJhl[ File Synchronizer Pro 4>56>1990 PR


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