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قديم 04-29-2009, 01:25 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي بـرنـامج Oggisoft LAN-eMail Pro v2009.5.1287 German

LAN-eMail Pro works only on a network or a network card installed.With this easy to use e-mail program to make your internal and external e-mail correspondence, even with computers that have no internet connection.

The program has an Internet / LAN e-mail distribution system that works without any proxy server. This allows all PCs on your network with or without Internet access, e-mails to the Internet to send and receive. Only the PC on which the distribution system is active, you need an Internet
connection.In a joint account, all emails stored that do not have Verteilauftrag, could not be distributed or to the collective-mail address usually info@name.de were sent.The program has two inboxes, local, and the shared inbox. The inbox is shared by all users on the LAN accessible.

لــلـــــتـــحــــميـــل ورؤيـــة المـزيد

fJvkJhl[ Oggisoft LAN-eMail Pro v2009>5>1287 German


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