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قديم 05-18-2009, 12:12 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي برنامج FK Desktop v3.0.0.17 Multilanguage

Why do you have only one desktop, if you can have as many as you wish? If you have installed a lot of applications, surely your Desktop is full with icons.With FK Desktop you can create as many desktops as you wish. Download FK Desktop by Farkas Software. Why do you have only one desktop, if you can have as many as you wish? If you have installed a lot of applications, surely your Desktop is full with icons and shortcuts to different archives and folders. The result is that you do not find anything. FK Desktop will help you to order your screen. With FK Desktop you can create as many desktops as you wish. On each one you can create up to 48 shortcuts to applications, folders or archives. Create a Desktop for your business applications, another one for your private applications, or games, or multimedia, or a Desktop with shortcuts to applications or archives of a special project, etc., etc. Clicking on the icon of FK Desktop, located in the taskbar, you switch from the Windows Desktop to your desktops created with FK Desktop. FK Desktop is used like the Windows desktop: with a double click on the icons you start the applications or archives, with a right-click, it opens a shortcut menu with useful commands. Each created Desktop may have its own background image, or simply a different color. FK Desktop settled in the start up folder, so that you can find the icon of FK Desktop in the taskbar, next to the clock after starting Windows.

لــلـــــتـــحــــميـــل ورؤيـــة المـزيد

fvkhl[ FK Desktop v3>0>0>17 Multilanguage


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