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قديم 07-01-2009, 03:09 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية T3BaN_HaCkEr


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افتراضي برنامج Elecard AVC HD Suite 1.1.90615 Beta

Elecard AVC HD Suite 1.1.90615 Beta | 21.88 Mb

Elecard AVC HD Suite, is a set of applications for high-quality playback, editing and conversion of video footage recorded by high-definition camcorders. Elecard AVC HD Suite comprises Elecard AVC HD Player, Elecard AVC HD Editor and Elecard Converter Studio AVC HD Edition. Elecard AVC HD Player is designed for high-quality decoding and playback of the popular multimedia formats including, among others, AVCHD®, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4 SP/ASP, MPEG-2, MPEG-1 and 3GP. It combines robust functionality of the popular Elecard MPEG Player, innate H.264/AVC support (without the need to install Elecard AVC PlugIn) and comes with the new exclusive skin. Elecard AVC HD Player is designed to operate on low performance computers as it takes most of what your system has to offer to bring high-resolution full-quality decoding and playback to your computer screen.

Elecard AVC HD Editor is an assistant program for owners of AVCHD® digital video camcorders from Sony, Panasonic, etc. This application allows simple and fast editing of video ******* delivered in the AVCHD® format. It provides accurate reordering, trimming and merging of video clips without any need of transcoding. Elecard AVC HD Editor is compact, powerful and easy to use: an excellent solution for everyday video editing purposes.

Elecard Converter Studio AVC HD Edition is the special edition of Elecard Converter Studio dedicated to conversion of AVCHD® video clips to other widely spread formats like MPEG-2, Blu-Ray, HDV, DVD and DV. It also creates files for SonyR PlayStation3, iPhone and iPod of all modifications. And not only that, users can also convert their video files to the widely spread Flash Video format, commonly used by such portals as YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo! Video, Reuters.com, and many other news providers.

Watching and preparing your own home-made high definition videos to be shared with others has never been so easy. Powerful, flexible and convenient - Elecard AVC HD Suite is the perfect solution for high-definition media enthusiasts.

If you don't need the whole AVC HD Suite set, you are welcome to purchase these tools separately. Just click the appropriate tool page.

Home Page - http://www.elecard.com/

fvkhl[ Elecard AVC HD Suite 1>1>90615 Beta


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