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قديم 07-01-2009, 03:09 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية T3BaN_HaCkEr


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افتراضي برنامج AudioPort Universal v2.0

AudioPort Universal v2.0 | 5.78 MB

AudioPort™ Universal is a stand-alone version of Audio Impressions’ proprietary system for enabling samplers or computers dedicated to digital audio plug-ins to send multichannel digital audio over gigabit Ethernet. AudioPort is cross-platform, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re sending audio from one or more Windows PC sample players to a Macintosh or Windows-based sequencer or DAW.
AudioPort is comprised of two parts, the Host and the plug-in. You install AudioPort host on one or more Windows PC computers, and you instantiate whatever VST based virtual instruments or effects plug-ins you wish inside that host. You then install one or more AudioPort plug-ins on your Macintosh or Windows sequencer or DAW. Digital audio flows from Host to plug-in via standard Gigabit Ethernet so no expensive cabling or audio I/O cards/converters are necessary.

Each host can send out up to 32 channels of digital audio at up to 192 kHz/32 bit depth, and you instantiate one AudioPort plug-in for each pair of channels being received in the sequencer or DAW. Works with MusicLab's MIDIoverLAN CP for communication with synths and samplers instantiated in AudioPort Host. Also supports direct-connected MIDI keyboards and hardware devices that have Windows drivers or native Windows support.

Homepage - www.audioimpressions.com

fvkhl[ AudioPort Universal v2>0


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