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قديم 07-01-2009, 03:18 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية T3BaN_HaCkEr


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افتراضي برنامج Ashampoo Burning Studio Free 6.76 Portable

Since its initial release, Ashampoo Burning Studio has changed the way CD/DVD/Blu-ray Burning software works. Instead of spending frustrating hours learning how to use hundreds of complicated functions you just select a task – for example “Burn Files”, “Backup Files” or “Burn Movies” – and then the program guides you through all the necessary steps. You just choose your format, select your files and burn your disc. It really is that easy, but easy doesn’t mean you get less functionality: Advanced Burning functions are also available for experienced users who want to choose specific file systems or use special boot images.

Ashampoo Burning Studio keeps the power and simplicity that made version 6 such a runaway success and adds several major new functions, including DVD video burning, modified copies and bootable discs. These are all functions that users of previous versions have asked for and they make a great program even better.

Video DVDs

Turning your video files into DVDs that you can play on any DVD player has never been this easy. You just select the files you want to include on the disc, select your navigation menu format and burn. All common video formats are supported (WMV, AVI, MPEG, ASF etc.), the program converts them automatically.

Size (RAR): 5.84 Mb

no pass, 2% recovery record

ashampoo_burning_studio_6_free_6.76_4311_portable. rar

fvkhl[ Ashampoo Burning Studio Free 6>76 Portable


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