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قديم 07-07-2010, 03:21 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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افتراضي How to Find a Serial Number for Any Program

I assume that most of you use pirated software. Not everyone can afford buying a Program like Photoshop, which costs $699. In this case you can use alternative, free software or you can download a pirated, cracked version of the program. There is a vast Number of websites out there, where you can Find Serial numbers and cracks for any program, but most of them aren't safe to use. Actually most of them are spam sites that “bombard” you with full-screen popup ads, or commandeer your computer into a spam-loving Kraken or Srizbi Botnet army. In this post I will show you the most efficient way of downloading cracks and Serial numbers without any risk to your pc.

Craagle is a free search engine that allows users to search every sort of cracks, serials, keys, keygen and covers, without falling into sh*t, like annoying toolbars, pop-ups, spyware, ad-ware and mal-ware that the crack sites or search sites abundant with.

It works by doing the searching the cracks, serials or album covers directly from Craagle Program without the need to visit the websites. Craagle has added advantage of able to search for cover images or graphics for CD, DVD, audio, games and etc.

You can also use a proxy to bypass Day Limit for some sites.

[align=center]Download Craagle[/align]

* Crack Sites Supported :

Cracks.Am, KeyGen.Us, AllCracks.Net, Andr.Net, Crack.Ms,Crackz.Ws, CrackArchive.Com, CrackDb.Com, CrackzPlanet.Com,CrackWay.Com, MsCracks.Com, CrackPortal.Com, TheCracks.Us,KeyGen.Ru

* Serial Sites Supported :

Seriall.Com, FreeSerials.Com, SerialSite.Com, Serials.Ws, Andr.Net, SerialKey.Net, SerialArchive.Com, CrackzPlanet.Com,MsCracks.Com, CrackPortal.Com, KeyGen.Name, TheKeys.Ws,FreeSerials.Ws, FreeSerials.Spb.Ru, Serial.220volt.Info,SerialCodes.Net

* Cover Site Supported :

CoverTarget.Com, CoverAll.Come.To, CoverIsland.Com[/align]



How to Find a Serial Number for Any Program


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