التواصل المباشر مع الادارة والاعضاء القدامى من خلال قناة التلغرام

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قديم 07-07-2010, 04:56 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية loulou


إحصائية العضو



6 مشاهدة اكثر من 2000 قناة تلفزيونية و5000 محطة راديو بجودة عالية

حصريا اخر اصدار من البرنامج الرائع جدا فى مشاهدة اكثر من 2000 قناة تلفزيونية و5000 محطة راديو بجودة عالية جدا
Super Internet TV v9.0.0 Premium Edition (2010

Super Internet TV allows you to watch 2000+ live television channels and listen to 5000+ online radio stations from 100+ countries. There is no need for a TV Tuner card because all the channels are streamed through your Internet connection. All you need is a Windows PC and an Internet connection. You can also record your favorite programs at will. Super Internet TV is ideal for people interested in alternative programming, learning languages, foreign cultures, entertainment, sports or news.

- Watch 2000+ Internet TV
- Listen to 5000+ radio stations
- No special hardware required
- Very Easy-to-Use Interface
- No PC knowledge required
- Recording Internet TV channels and radio stations
- Resizable screen, including full-screen mode
- Automatic channel list updates
- Your own personal favorite list
- Advance filtering
- Faster video stream loading
- More reliable connection
- Works anywhere in the world
OS: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME, 98, 98SE
or Windows NT4.0



lahi]m h;ev lk 2000 rkhm jgt.d,kdm ,5000 lp'm vh]d, f[,]m uhgdm


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