السلام عليكم..... اليكم اليوم البرنامج الرائع Prosoft Data Rescue v3.1 لاسترجاع الملفات المحذوفه بكل مهاره
Prosoft Data Rescue v3.1-UNION Size: 54.43 mb مميزات البرنامج * Award-winning technology, works when other software fails. * Recovers all types of files from your hard drive. * Works if the drive fails to mount or only partially operates. * Recovers deleted, lost and damaged files. * Recovers digital pictures from your camera media even after it has been erased or reformatted. * Recovers your whole drive or just the files you need. * Recovers pictures, movies and music from PC drives and any type of digital camera media. Download: اضغط هنا
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