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قديم 11-10-2010, 10:25 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية Mr.Mostafa


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افتراضي مشغل الصوتيات والفيديوهات الممتاز KMPlayer v3.0.0.1439

السلام عليكم....
اليكم اليوم البرنامج الرائع KMPlayer v3.0.0.1439 لتشغيل الصوتيات والفيديوهات

KMPlayer l 18.51 Mb


KMP has required codecs built-in.
* Enjoy medias without installing codecs separately.
* KMP supports both built-in and 3rd party codecs.
* KMP’s built-in codec is faster and reliable because it process internally.
* The current built-in codec supports all ffdshow codecs and also codecs that ffdshow doesn’t support such as MPEG1, 2.
* Features audio codecs (AC3, MPEG1, 2, AAC, WMA 7, 8 etc.).
* Matrix/normalizer options through built-in voice codec.
* Through KMP’s built-in codecs, you can enjoy all major media formats.
* KMP additionally supports 3rd party codecs for users that doesn’t use the built-in codec and also doesn’t install the codecs on the computer like other codecs do. Most public codec packs+players forces to install the codec on your computer, while KMP does not. This means that installing KMP will not affect your computer at all.

المميزات الجديده فى هذا الاصدار

Audio errors during content playing are fixed.
* Decision logic for content(AVI) scanning fixed.
* DXVA2 H.264 performance improved.
* DXVA2 MPEG2 bug fixed.
* File playing start speed improved.
* MP2, ATRAC3, H.261 codec bug fixed.
* Resizing of Preference page.
* Synchronizing errors between Video and Audio channels are fixed.

تفضلوا بالتحميل


layg hgw,jdhj ,hgtd]d,ihj hglljh. KMPlayer v3>0>0>1439


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