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قديم 12-04-2010, 10:25 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية Mr.Mostafa


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افتراضي مشغل افيديوهات الرائع Zoom Player FLEX v7.00 باخر اصداراته

السلام عليكم.....
اليكم اليوم مشغل الفيديوهات الرائع Zoom Player FLEX v7.00

مميزات البرنامج العامه
* Use of multiple display devices and multiple display areas per screen in any combination of size and shape to meet any project's requirements,
* Display spanning across multiple monitors using EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer) under Windows VISTA,
* Selection from multiple audio and video decoders,
* Flexible non-linear 16:9/4:3 video scaling (EVR),
* Guard-Dog function to allow Auto-Restart upon decoder/system lock-up,
* Increased system stability and reliability,
* Choice of sub models with different display output/configuration options to select from – match the right tool with your project needs,
* Complete, easily accessible controls over any playback & display parameter (e.g., rendering, quality, A/R, size, color, speed, etc)
* Comprehensive control with unmatched flexibility over media processing settings,
* Flash Interactivity,
* Easy, intuitive configuration & fast set-up make initial operation a snap even for novice operators – no special skills needed,
* Fast and smooth control over all features using smart Navigators,
* DVD playback from various sources (e.g., hard disk, usb drives, memory cards),
* Comprehensive set of Smart Play controls,
* The shortest media load times in the industry,
* Communication & Control API (TCP/IP or WinAPI's SendMessage) covering the entire feature-set, enabling reporting functionality and supported by many 3rd party applications,
* Advanced command-line instructions and parameters offer endless automated operation and playback possibilities,
* Flexible interactivity with HTML environment,
* Onscreen Display (OSD) fixing & locking options,
* Complete, unlimited control over all DVD and media file playback parameters,
* Multiple playback speeds plus custom speed settings,
* Smart DVD bookmarking functionality with auto-load options,
* Individual DVD position memory for every disc,
* Auto-save of user preferences & definitions per every disc,
* Auto-execute of external programs according to user definition upon disc detection and prior to playing,
* Flexible DVD language selection (Audio, Video, Subtitle and Menus),
* Full support of external DVD subtitle files in any format,
* Auto detection of aspect ratio, video and blanking per DVD type,
* Playback of partial or incomplete AVI files and files locked by 3rd party programs,
* Recording of current play position to the clipboard,


layg htd]d,ihj hgvhzu Zoom Player FLEX v7>00 fhov hw]hvhji


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