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قديم 01-06-2011, 05:21 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية Prince-of-hacker


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6 حصريا اقوى برامج صناعة الموسيقى والدى جى MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium v17.0.2.6 لعمل مقاطع صوتيه بتاثيرات خرافية بحجم 230 ميجا بايت - عدة سيرفرات

Maker 17 Premium v17.0.2.6

أقوى برامج تعديل المقاطع الصوتية وانتاج المؤثرات الصوتية باحتراف كامل
لمحبي الموسيقي و الابداعات الموسيقيه نقدم لكم برنامج رائع
لعمل الموسيقي التي تحب و العزف علي العديد من الالات
الموسيقيه الحديثه
او تكوين فريق موسيقي بانواع الالات مختلفه مع العديد من القطع الموسيقيه
المسجله من قبل بالبرنامج و التي تقدم لك نوعا من الدعم في تطوير موسيقاك او
الاستعانه بها في الحانك و عزفك

MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium - The best Music software for your own songs, albums and unique sound. Make Music - simply without compromises! Get started right away, no prior knowledge necessary! MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium offers all functions and many exclusive extras, including more than 3,500 sounds and loops from the studios of international top producers. Step-by-step to your own song: With audio building blocks, many Premium instruments and real studio effects - your first hit is just a few clicks away!

Even more sounds, instruments, and effects - thanks to its expanded sound design, real 5.1 Surround mixing, live tools, and useful studio extras, you can dive even deeper into the world of Music production.

- All musical styles
- Easy handling
- Unlimited possibilities
- Powerful extras

New functions at a glance:
- PREMIUM! More than 3,500 new sounds & loops
- PREMIUM! 4 Vita Solo instruments: Grand piano, saxophone, ambient synthesizer, JazzDrums
- NEW! New design with improved handling and a new FX rack
- NEW! Upload your songs with a click to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

- NEW! Song Maker 2: Ideal for easy dubbing of videos & websites
- NEW! YouTube templates: Perfect presets with cover and much more
- NEW! Integrated MIDI Editor: Composing made easy
- PREMIUM! MAGIX Print Studio: Create your own CD covers
- PREMIUM! Music Editor 3: Detailed sound editing

More sounds, more effects, more possibilities Thousands of current audio building blocks and effects from the studios of internationally successful producers are waiting to be combined and transformed however you want. Integrate your own recordings or parts of your favorite MP3s. In a short time, your own perfect songs will be ready - in CD quality. And the best part is, it's all so simple that you can get started right away.

Cinematic film music, rock songs with a live character, minimal electro for clubs, soul from the heart, grooving hip hop beats, and much more. MAGIX Music Maker offers endless possibilities for making music!

حجم البرنامج : 230 ميجا بايت

تاريخ الاصدار


مرفق الباتش و الكراك












part 1 http://takemyfile.com/958895
part 2 http://takemyfile.com/958897

pwvdh hr,n fvhl[ wkhum hgl,sdrn ,hg]n [n MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium v17>0>2>6 gulg lrh'u w,jdi fjhedvhj ovhtdm fp[l 230 ld[h fhdj - u]m sdvtvhj


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