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قديم 01-11-2011, 09:54 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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DaRk DrEaM
الصورة الرمزية DaRk DrEaM


إحصائية العضو



.......... ICQ 7.2 Build 3525

ICQ 7.2 Build 3525


برنامج ICQ فهو برنامج المحادثات الشهير والغني عن التعريف والذي يربطك بالعالم الخارجي بشكل غير قابل للتصديق برنامج ICQ لإنشاء محادثات كتابية وارسال ملفات عبر المحادثة والكثير والبربامج متوافق مع Windows All

ICQ is the slimmed down version of the popular ICQ instant messenger.

ICQ contains all the essential features including chat, file transfer and more, but none of the advanced options that many users may not need.

You can upgrade the Lite version to the fully featured one at anytime from within the software without losing your settings.

The clean interface has the rounded, airbrushed look popular in so many skins these days, and supports ICQ messaging as well as SMS.

You won't find multiuser chat capabilities here, though you can enter IRC chat through ICQ's Web-based IRC client.

However, finding friends for one-on-one messaging is easy, whether you search for people you know by e-mail address, or you seek new friends by age, location, or interests.

Integrated Google searching rounds out this tidy and elegant package.

Size / OS ::: 11.8 MB / Windows All
January 8th, 2011

To DowNload


ICQ 7>2 Build 3525


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