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قديم 01-14-2011, 01:50 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية SMAILOSK


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6 Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection قنبلة المنتدى

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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تحية طيبة اخواني الكرام في المنتدى بشكل عام مجموعة الاودوبي التحفة بين ايديكم

المجموعة متكاملة والحمد لله...

Adobe CS5 Master Collection

Tell your story from start to finish with one comprehensive offering. Adobe® Creative Suite® 5 Master Collection software enables you to design and develop amazing work, collaborate effectively, and deliver virtually anywhere. Craft a corporate identity using Illustrator CS5 to engage your audience online. Use new Flash Catalyst CS5 to make it part of an expressive, interactive interface without writing code. Use Flash Professional CS5 to engage your audience with microsites and casual games that present your designs consistently across desktops, browsers, and mobile devices. Enhance HD video productions with high-resolution imagery from Photoshop CS5 Extended. Add intricate effects using After Effects CS5, and edit dramatically faster in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.


CS5 Master Collection includes

* Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended – Discover new dimensions in digital imaging
* Adobe Illustrator CS5 – Explore new paths with the essential vector tool
* Adobe InDesign CS5 – Design professional layouts for print and digital publishing
* Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro – Deliver revolutionary digital ********s and accelerate information exchange with PDF
* Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 – Create expressive interfaces and interactive content without writing code
* Adobe Flash Professional CS5 – Create and deliver rich interactive content
* Adobe Flash Builder 4 – Develop cross-platform rich Internet applications
* Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 – Design, develop, and maintain standards-based websites and applications
* Adobe Fireworks CS5 – Rapidly prototype and design for any device
* Adobe Contribute CS5 – Simplify website management
* Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 – Bring high-performance editing to next-generation storytelling
* Adobe After Effects CS5 – Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard
* Adobe Soundbooth CS5 – Create and edit audio with ease
* Adobe OnLocation CS5 – Shoot better and faster with powerful production tools
* Adobe Encore CS5 – Deliver virtually anywhere

معلومات عن التحميل

يتكون من 12 جزء
كل جزء فيه 1G إلا الأخير فيه 226M

لم أقوم بحجب روابط من أجلكم
أترككم مع تحميل و لا تبخلوا عاليه برد و تقيم


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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-14-2011, 03:04 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية suleyman


إحصائية العضو






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