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قديم 02-11-2011, 01:03 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية Mr.Mostafa


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افتراضي النسخه الاخيره لبرنامج Acoustica mixcraft 5.2 build 151 لدمج الاصوات والريمكس 2011

النسخه الاخيره لبرنامج Acoustica mixcraft 5.2 build 151 لدمج الاصوات والريمكس 2011

اسم البرنامج: Acoustica mixcraft 5.2 build 151

وظيفه البرنامج الرئيسيه بدون منازع هي: عمل الريمكسات ودمج الاصوات

شرح بسيط عن البرنامج وقدراته

Mixcraft 5 هو برنامج رائع جدا قادر على القيام بالتسجيل المتعدد وسهل الاستخدام والذي يتيح لك استخدام الاصوات وتسجيلها
وترتيب الاصوات والريمكسات واظافه التأثيرات الى خلق تكوين مهني بشكل مذهل .......ويعتبر من اقوى البرنامج لعمل الريمكسات وتعديل الاصوات ودمجها ....... هناك الكثير والكثير لتعرفه عنه

Mixcraft 5 is a powerful yet easy-to-use multi-track recording studio that enables you to record audio, arrange loops, remix tracks, compose with virtual instruments, score and edit video, and add effects to create stunningly professional compositions. Easy enough for everyone and powerful enough for the pros. Get a studio for a song with mixcraft 5!.
Main Features:
* Improved graphics and visual effects give mixcraft 5 a sharp, polished and professional look.
* Custom loop library includes over 3000 royalty-free sounds in dozens of musical styles. Over 1000 new loops, including the following song kits: 70's Funk, Cool Jazz, Surf Rock, Reggae, and Vegas Rock.
* Works with Acid™ and Apple Garage Band™ loops.
* Record multiple MIDI and audio tracks simultaneously.
* Piano roll to view and edit MIDI.
* Notation tools allow you to create, edit, and print your MIDI data in familiar music notation format.
* 8 powerful virtual instruments, including the Acoustica Instruments General MIDI sample library, Acoustica Expanded Instruments sample library, Lounge Lizard Session vintage electric piano, VB3 tonewheel organ, MiniMogueVA monophonic analog synthesizer, Messiah polyphonic analog synthesizer, Alien303 Bass Synthesizer, and Impulse polyphonic analog synthesizer.
* 20 high quality effects, including the Pultronic Tube EQ, which models the classic tube equalizer found in studios throughout the world, and the Shred Amp Simulator, a complete suite of 5 classic amp heads, 17 cabinet models, and 6 powerful effects.
* Create mega presets that layer and split multiple virtual synthesizers and effects.
* Add unlimited VSTi™ instruments, VST™ and DirectX™ effects.
* Video Track allows loading and editing of video files. Easily cross-fade from one video clip to another. Remix the audio, add a soundtrack, and effortlessly render your video project to a new video file.
* Mix down to MP3, WAV, high-quality compressed OGG, and other audio file types

التاريخ: 7/2/2011

الاصدار: 5.2.151

الترخيص: كامل

الحجم: 94.4 ميجا
متوافق مع انظمه التشغيل التاليه


hgksoi hghodvi gfvkhl[ Acoustica mixcraft 5>2 build 151 g]l[ hghw,hj ,hgvdl;s 2011


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