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كود PHP:
vBulletin 3.8.4 & 3.8.5 Registration Bypass Vulnerability
0 0
1 Iranian Datacoders Security Team 2010 1
0 0
# Exploit Title: vBulletin 3.8.4 & 3.8.5 Around Registration Vulnerability
# Date: 29/08/2010
# Author: Immortal Boy
# Software Link: http://www.vbulletin.org
# Version: 3.8.4 & 3.8.5
# Google dork 1 : powered by vBulletin 3.8.4
# Google dork 2 : powered by vBulletin 3.8.5
# Platform / Tested on: Multiple
# Category: webapplications
# Code : N/A
# BUG : #########################################################################
1 > Go to Http://[localhost]/path/register.php
2 > Assume that forum admin user name is ADMIN
3 > Type this at User Name ===> ADMIN***00
4 > ***00 is an ASCII Code
5 > And complete the other parameters
6 > Then click on Complete Registrarion
7 > Now you see that your user name like admin user name
After this time the private messages to the user (ADMIN) to sending see for you is sending .
# Patch : #######################################################################
1 > Go to AdminCP
2 > Click on vBulletin Options and choose vBulletin Options
3 > Choose Censorship Options
4 > type *** in Censored Words section
5 > Then click on Save
Our Website : http://www.datacoders.ir
Special Thanks to : H-SK33PY , NEO , Sp|R|T , BigB4NG , 3r1ck , Dr.mute ,
hosinn , NIK , uones , mohammad_ir & all iranian datacoders members
رابط الثغــره
كود PHP:
يارب تعجبكم تحياتي للجميع
eJJyvi frvh'dsih td s;vfj vBulletin 3>8>4 & 3>8>5