عدد النقاط : 10
Hello everybody. I need a Python Shell or in another language, that they have permission to delete and upload files. Please help me. Thanks! المصدر: :: vBspiders Professional Network ::Vspan style="font-weight: bold; color: #006400;"Cl[hf:VLspanC Python Shell
Vspan style="font-weight: bold; color: #006400;"Cl[hf:VLspanC Python Shell
اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة SuperNoia Hello everybody. I need a python shell or in another language, that they have permission to delete and upload files. Please help me. Thanks! اخواني محتاج شل بايثون, اتمنى للي معاه مايبخل علينا وشكراً
بالتوفيق اخي طب اتكلم عربي نحنا مسلمين مو ,,,,,
R.H@hotmail.com للتواصل مو ......
عدد النقاط : 16
هو من البرازيل يا غالي SuperNoia here http://www.mediafire.com/?rx09crgyta4jks3 SuperNoia ,©Al-Za3eem ,GHOST HACK معجبون بهذا
Cyber You can send me a private message with your contact? I'm having problem and maybe you can help me.
اقتباس Cyber You can send me a private message with your contact? I'm having problem and maybe you can help me. Ok Done mido868 معجب بهذا