التواصل المباشر مع الادارة والاعضاء القدامى من خلال قناة التلغرام

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قديم 02-14-2013, 11:03 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

السفاح 18 غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
السفاح 18 is on a distinguished road

.......... مجاب: ضروري

السلام عليكم ..

ارجو منكم اخواني الاعزاء الاجابة على الاستفسار

Among the fundamental challenges in information security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability, or CIA. Give an example where confidentiality is required, but not integrity. Give an example where integrity is required, but not confidentiality. Give an example where availability is the overriding concern.

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رد مع اقتباس
أفضل جواب - كتبه fantome195
Give an example where confidentiality is required, but not integrity

For exp if you have a website contain you secrect pics it allow to attacker to destroy tour privacy totaly
alot of huge website Now make a on his responsabilty The privacy of clients

Give an example where integrity is required, but not confidentiality

if i have a website for exp & i have clients & their password if idon't have confidently i will try to Hack thier email ....

Give an example where availability is the overriding concern

yes the V world is very danger you shouldn't trust any website or service that is given to you for exp Vbspiders is website but why garantee to me that this website isn't danger on me & my privacy .. proof is kind of info that he ask from me ... i acually this question is one of V challenge i can be discussed on conference of CIA
قديم 02-16-2013, 06:20 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية fantome195


إحصائية العضو

fantome195 غير متواجد حالياً

إرسال رسالة عبر MSN إلى fantome195



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 12
fantome195 is on a distinguished road

افتراضي رد: ضروري

Give an example where confidentiality is required, but not integrity

For exp if you have a website contain you secrect pics it allow to attacker to destroy tour privacy totaly
alot of huge website Now make a on his responsabilty The privacy of clients

Give an example where integrity is required, but not confidentiality

if i have a website for exp & i have clients & their password if idon't have confidently i will try to Hack thier email ....

Give an example where availability is the overriding concern

yes the V world is very danger you shouldn't trust any website or service that is given to you for exp Vbspiders is website but why garantee to me that this website isn't danger on me & my privacy .. proof is kind of info that he ask from me ... i acually this question is one of V challenge i can be discussed on conference of CIA




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