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قديم 10-27-2014, 11:21 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية yassinoxe


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yassinoxe غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
yassinoxe is on a distinguished road

افتراضي البرنامج الرائع للتحكم الكامل بالصوت foobar2000 1.3.4 Final

Foobar2000 1.3.4 Final

foobar2000 - this audio player, impresses with its very high quality sound, with a broad customization capabilities, spartan interface and quite unassuming low system requirements. Foobar play files mnogoie formats: MP3, MP1, MP2, MP4, MPC, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, FLAC / Ogg FLAC, WavPack, AIFF, AU, WAV, SND, CDDA, WMA (for you must go lheubt plugins). Full support for unicode available. In Foobar uses a new playlist format (m3u8) and can be read APEv2-tags of MP3 files (id3v2 is not supported.)

* Support audio formats: MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC / Ogg FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, AU, SND, CDDA (CD-Audio) and WMA. Using third-party plug-ins are supported: Monkey s Audio (APE), MOD, S3M, XM, IT, 669, PTM, PSM, MTM, UMX, AVS, AC3, Westwood s audio (. Aud), Sierra s sounds (.sfx / .aud) , ACM, XA, ACM, GCN DSP, OKI ADPCM, RAC, BRR, ADX, kode s ADPCM (Sony Playstation), Saturn CD, PSF and PSF2 (Sony PlayStation), SID, Internet Radio XM Radio, Atari SAP Music, OptimFROG and other audio formats.
* Full support for Unicode.
* Advanced tagging capabilities.
* Transcoding (converting) all supported audio formats component Converter (the use of encoders that work with the command line.)
* Technology ReplayGain - calculation and playback.
* Bezstykovoe playback.
* Customizable keyboard shortcuts (shortcuts) for all functions.
* Open architecture allows third-party foobar2000 developers to extend the player with new components (plugins).
* Audio output for Kernel Streaming and ASIO (with plugins).
* Powerful DSP-processors (using plugins).
* Fully customizable playlist with the plugin ColumnsUI.

Change log - version 1.3.4
Fixed problems with accessing very long file names on network shares.
Fixed incorrect display of converter tag transfer option state in the converter setup dialog.
Improved compatibility with malformed ID3v2 tags.
Added option to prevent hard disk sleep while playing [Advanced Preferences].
Fixed performance issues with Matroska file reading (1.3 regression).
Fixed Converter problems with ripping CD to single file with chapters (1.3 regression).
Added an option to suppress startup dialog about bad last shutdown.
RAR unpacker updates:
Now using unrar.dll which can be updated easily in the future.
Disregard that, unrar.dll is unusable due to bugs and limitations. Now using RAR source directly with own patches, just like previous foobar2000 versions did [beta 4].
Added support for RAR5 format.
Updated FFmpeg to 2.4.1 [beta 4].
Updated FLAC code to the latest git (as of 2014-10-07), with bug fixes and speedups [beta 5].
Fixed a very old and very bad Matroska tag writing bug [1.3.4 final].

Size: 3 Mo


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hgfvkhl[ hgvhzu ggjp;l hg;hlg fhgw,j foobar2000 1>3>4 Final


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