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قديم 03-01-2016, 01:55 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي عملاق تعديل الصور والمؤثرات عليها MAGIX Photo Manager 16 Deluxe v12.0.0.20

MAGIX Photo Manager 16 Deluxe v12.0.0.20

MAGIX Photo Manager 15 Deluxe allows you to easily browse, sort and rediscover your lifes beautiful photos.

Your advantages:
Optimize your photos with just one click and share them online.
Transfer media from your PC to flash drives, CDs, DVDs, smartphones and cameras.
Easily manage and organize your photos and videos.
Create a picture databank with password protection to archive your photos and keep them private.

Quick optimization
- 1-click & realtime optimization (non-destructive)
- NEW! Realtime Photo effects for even more image design
- Transfer optimizations from one image to several other images.
- IMPROVED! Edit panorama montages and video clips

Flexible search options
- Find the best photos fast
- Face recognition & person search
- Find similar & duplicate images
- Sort by category, rating and date

Archive, back up & burn
- On PC, CD & DVD
- BONUS! MAGIX Online Album Premium with unlimited storage space
- Restore deleted files
- Password protection










ulghr ju]dg hgw,v ,hglcevhj ugdih MAGIX Photo Manager 16 Deluxe v12>0>0>20


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