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قديم 05-12-2016, 08:28 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي برنامج لتصميم البنايات المكانيكية والمعمارية hinoceros 5.13.60404.13390 SR13

Rhinoceros 5.13.60404.13390 SR13

Rhino 5.0 is the market leader in industrial design modeling software. Highly complicated shapes can be directly modeled or acquired through 3D digitizers. With its powerful NURBS based engine Rhino 5.0 can create, edit, analyze, and translate curves, surfaces, and solids. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size. McNeel Rhino 5.0 also supports polygon meshes and point clouds for a complete coverage of geometric data types. With its unparalleled modeling power McNeel Rhino 5.0 lets you focus on designing, not on cumbersome modeling workarounds.

Major goals for Rhino 5:
- The worlds most robust D development platform for specialty modeling, rendering, analysis, and fabrication tools across a wide variety of disciplines.
- More accessible development tools: Grasshopper, rhino.Python, the RhinoScript editor, the Zoo license manager for plugins, and the Rhino Installer Engine are key ingredients.
- Compatibility with Rhino 4 plug-ins. All bit Rhino 4 plug-ins should run in bit Rhino 5 without modification or recompiling.
- Open source more of the Rhino development tools, including rhino.Python, RhinoCommon, and the 3DM viewer on iOS.
- Freeأ¢ofأ¢charge developer tools, including technical support, marketing support, and training. All of our development tools are available to everyone with a valid Rhino license. No special program registration, contracts, license agreement, or approval is needed.
- Localization and translation services available.

Other features in Rhinoceros 5:
- Toolbars, Buttons, and Macros
- Grasshopper
- RhinoScript
- rhino.Python
- .NET Plug-ins
- C++ Plug-ins
- Renderer Development Kit
- Rhino Skins
- Zoo License Management for Plug-ins
- The Rhino Installer Engine
- Food4Rhino
- openNURBS
- Localization Services
- Marketing Support




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