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قديم 05-26-2016, 06:49 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي برنامج تحويل ملفات PDF لكل الصيغ Aiseesoft PDF Converter Ultimate

Aiseesoft PDF Converter Ultimate Multilingual

Aiseesoft PDF Converter Ultimate is the all-in-one PDF Converter for you to convert PDF to word, text, EPUB, HTML, and image with OCR. You can easily choose the output format that you need including Text, Word, Excel, PowerPoint2007, EPUB, HTML, and image (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PPM, JPEG2000) format.

You can customize the layout, text encoding, and image format/resolution/quality for ******** file, and set the image size and color for output Image file. For you to get the exact file that you need, you can specify the page(s) you want and also you can choose to convert all pages.

Key Features of PDF Converter Ultimate:
- Aiseesoft PDF Convert Ultimate enables you to convert PDF to Text format, and you can enjoy it with the WordPad.
- This PDF Converter can help you to convert PDF to doc and rtf Word format, and it is compatible with Microsoft 2010, 2007, and 2003.
- You can convert PDF to Excel, Poweroint2007, EPUB, and HTML format with the excellent converting quality.
- You are allowed to convert PDF file to Image such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PPM, and JPEG2000 format for better enjoyment, and you can adjust the image size and color for the output Image.
- This PDF Converter allows users to select the PDF page(s) you want to convert. You can convert all pages or self-defined page(s).
- To help users get customize output files, this software offers users numerous output settings. To output image files, you can define the output image size, color, quality, etc.; to output ******** files, you can customize output layout, text encoding, image format/quality/resolution, and so on.
- With the OCR technology, this software can easily recognize text from scanned, image-based PDF files, and then convert the PDF to other text-based files.
- This PDF Convert Ultimate support lots of recognition languages, and you can choose the output language to improve the accuracy of the output ********.
- Flexible output settings for you to choose to improve the output effect. For Image format, you are allowed to set the output image size and color, and for ******** format, you can set the layout, text encoding, and image format/resolution.
- An intuitive and user-friendly interface that requires no professional computer knowledge for beginners and few clicks or steps to help you convert PDF to various text and image formats.
- This powerful software enables users to input several PDF files and convert all of these PDF files to different output formats at one time.
- Aiseesoft PDF Converter support multi-language PDF files, including English, German, French, Japanese, Latin, Korean, Turkish, Thai, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, and Chinese, etc.





fvkhl[ jp,dg lgthj PDF g;g hgwdy Aiseesoft Converter Ultimate 3>3>6>0


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