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قديم 06-01-2016, 07:14 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي برنامج DropIt 8.2 + Portable لتطبيق العديد من المهام دفعة واحدة لكسب الوقت

DropIt 8.2 + Portable

A tiny, flexible, hard-working tool to automate sorting and filing data-files and folders. When you need to organize files, dropit can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around. You can configure dropit to do 8 different actions to your files and folders (Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Open With, Delete and Exclude), filtering files by name, extension, location, size and/or date. You can even save sets of patterns in profiles and associate a profile to each desired folder, to scan monitored folders at a defined time interval.

Drop a group of assorted files and/or folders on the floating dropit image and it sorts them to defined destination folders, eventually compresses or extracts them, opens them with associated programs or does other defined actions. You should go do something enjoyable with the time you saved.

Process files and folders manually with Drag-and-Drop
Process files and folders automatically with Folder Monitoring
Filter files and folders by name, extension, location, size and/or date
Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Open With, Delete, Exclude actions
Collect patterns in different profiles and assign an image to each one
Support also Context-Menu, Send-To and Command-Line
Support automatic software update from About window
Support encryption to protect your profiles with a password
Support internal, system and custom environment variables
Support log file creation to verify sorting operations
Support for Unicode filenames
Available with Multi-language interface
Available in both installer and Portable versions



DropIt 8.2 Portable




fvkhl[ DropIt 8>2 + Portable gj'fdr hgu]d] lk hglihl ]tum ,hp]m g;sf hg,rj dropit fvkhl[


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