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قديم 06-07-2016, 06:46 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي برنامج التصوير الشاشة وعمل الشروحات ZD Soft Screen Recorder 9.5

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 9.5

ZD Soft Screen Recorder is a high performance Screen recording software program. It works just like a real camcorder. A real camcorder can record many real world things including computer screen, while ZD Soft Screen Recorder can only record computer Screen but can do much better than a real camcorder on Screen recording, because software Screen recording is crystal-clear, pixel by pixel, 100% true color reproduction, non-interfering, no shaking and no noise. You may need ZD Soft Screen Recorder when you want to capture what you see on computer screen, as well as what you hear and/or your narration.

Feature List:
- Easy-to-use wizard based user interface gets you started quickly.
- Easy-to-adjust recording box enables quick definition of recording area.
- Real-time video compression enables unlimited recording length.
- Arbitrary video resolutions and frame rates are supported.
- Smooth Screen recording without lagging your system.
- Fully optimized for modern dual/quad-core CPUs.
- Both AVI and WMV output formats are supported.
- Perfect audio/video synchronization.
- Capable of starting/stopping a recording automatically by a scheduled timer.
- Capable of capturing OpenGL, DirectDraw, Direct3D 8/9/10/11 rendered Screen content.
- Capable of capturing multiple audio sources at the same time, e.g. both speaker and microphone.
- Capable of capturing what you hear even if no "Stereo Mix" is available.
- Capable of capturing by a hotkey.
- Capable of capturing multi-monitor screen.
- Capable of showing FPS number on PC game screen

OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Language : English







fvkhl[ hgjw,dv hgaham ,ulg hgav,phj ZD Soft Screen Recorder 9>5


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