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قديم 06-13-2016, 07:12 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي برنامج تحويل الفيديوهات الى 3D الرهيب 4Videosoft 3D Converter 5.1.72

4Videosoft 3D Converter 5.1.72

4Videosoft 3D Converter is the professional and advanced 3D Video Converter, which can help users convert 2D video (including HD video and SD video) and 3D video freely and easily. With this magic 3D Converter, you are easy to convert 2D video to 3D video, 3D video to 2D video and convert 3D video to 3D video.

Features of 3D Converter
Convert 2D video and 3D video
- 4Videosoft 3D Converter can help you convert any popular general 2D video to 3D formats with high quality for you to fully enjoy 3D movies on your 3D TV.
- If you want to enjoy 3D videos on your portable devices, you need to use this 3D Converter to convert 3D video to 2D formats. Then you can directly import the excellent output 2D video to your player to watch.
- Converting 3D video to other 3D formats to meet your need is also available with 4Videosoft 3D Converter.

Set 3D Profile
- The 3D Converter has five 3D modes listed for you to choose, which including Anaglyph (ten types), Side By Side (Full), Side by Side (Half-Width), Top and Bottom (Full), Top and Bottom (Half-Height).
- The 3D Converter enables you to choose the audio track and subtitle from the source video file for output video.
- Different video (Encode, Frame Rate, Resolution, Aspect Ratio, Video Bitrate, Zoom Mode) and audio settings (Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, Audio Bitrate) are provided for you to preset before converting 2D/ 3D video.

Easy and Efficient 3D Converter
- 4Videosoft 3D Converter is highly compatible with all popular 2D video formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, 3GP, FLV, MOV, VOB, MTS, SWF and HD videos, etc. And it supports five 3D modes.
- This 3D Converter has the intuitive graphic interface and simple process, which makes the 3D video conversion easy to operate. The advanced NVIDIAآ® CUDAâ„¢ and AMD APP technology can totally accelerate the 3D video converting speed 6X faster.





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