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قديم 06-14-2016, 01:46 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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إحصائية العضو

رائد منير غير متواجد حالياً



إحصائية الترشيح

عدد النقاط : 10
رائد منير is on a distinguished road

افتراضي برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder + Portable

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder will find and remove Duplicate files so you wont experience lack of free disk space! Auslogics Duplicate File Finder has the MD5 search engine which allows you to find Duplicate files by content, regardless other match criteria. It would be helpful, for example, when two identical mp3 tracks or video files have different names. Give Auslogics Duplicate File Finder a try to see what its really capable of!

Improve computer performance by deleting Duplicate files
Identical files not only waste your hard disk space, but also may cause system slowdowns. By deleting Duplicate files you can reduce time needed to defragment your hard drives and minimize time used by antivirus to scan your computer.
Sort and organize your media collections
Media files collections, such as music, video, images and photos, often become the primary source of identical files. If you have a music collection of several hundreds or even thousands mp3-files, you may want to sort them by deleting identical tracks.
With Auslogics Duplicate File Finder you can organize your media files and increase free disk space needed to enlarge your collection.
Find Duplicate files by content!
Auslogics Duplicate File Finder has the MD5 search engine which allows the program to search for Duplicate files by content, regardless of other match criteria. It would be helpful, for example, when two identical mp3 tracks or video files have different names.

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder




Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Portable





fvkhl[ hgfpe uk hglgthj hgl;vvi ,h.hgjih Auslogics Duplicate File Finder 5>2>1>0


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