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قديم 04-23-2009, 01:03 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية BlueHacker


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عدد النقاط : 10
BlueHacker is on a distinguished road

.................... Viprasys's MD5 Cracker.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

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اللي ما فهم يترجم

I had a go at my own version for Viprasys of the MD5 Fast Cracker program, ok it's not as fast as the Fast Cracker this version only calculates a little over 1.3 million MD5 hash strings PER SECOND

Nothing to be sneezed at.... but it is not as fast as the other program.

But... this version gives a LOT more control over it and can result in a lot faster finding of the MD5.

here's an example Viprasys MD5 Cracker Vs CrackFast By 16 Software

You can work on Char Sets rather than all, for example you might know for a FACT that the MD5 only contains small letters

a,b,c,d,e,.....z in which case WHY test for 0 - 9, A - Z aZ Az and so on
you might as well make it 10x faster....

Anyway, Enjoy...


And more links..........






Sorry for the slow 1.3 MILLION strings per second, i'll have a go at improving it over the next few days, i only started writing it after i saw the fast cracker md5 program someone posted, they've had months to perfect it


Viprasys's MD5 Cracker>


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