VMware Workstation 6.5 Full

Ar :
برنامج VMware Workstation البرنامج احترافي بحيث يسمح لك ( بعمل عدة انظمة تشغيل في جهازك ) بمعنى اذا عندك في جهازك ويندوز xp وتحب تحمل ويندوز Vista معه وويندووز 7 وويندوز ..98 وكل اصدارات الويندوز هالبرنامج ينشاء لك كمبيوتر اخر تنشا عليه نظام تشغيل اضافي ... هو ياخذ من مساحة الهارد الي معك لكن ماياخذ الكثير ... تقريبا ماياخذ ربع الربع ولكن ميزته رهيبة ... لنفرض انك ما تعرف تنصب ويندوز ( هذا ا لبرنامج عن طريقة باتتعلم لانه لايشكل اي مشكلة على جهازك ) جرب يعني .. لنفرض انك ما تعرف شيء عن الفورمات ( باتتعلم مع هذا البرنامج كيف تفرمت ) .. لنفرض انك ما تعرف كيف تقسم الهارد ( اف دسك ) بهذا البرنامج تقدر تعملها لنفرض انك تحب تشرح كيف ينصب الويندوز .. بهذا البرنامج تقدر تعمل هالشرح مثل الي
عندنا .. لنفرض انك خايف على جهازك ماتحبش تجرب .. ركب البرنامج وجرب على ضمانتي الشخصية! ..
An :
VMware Workstation is a powerful virtual machine software for system administrators and developers who want to revolutionize software development, deployment and testing in their enterprise.
Shipping for more than five years and winner of over a dozen major product awards, VMware Workstation enables software developers to develop and test the most complex networked server-class applications running on Microsoft Windows, Linux or NetWare all on a single desktop.
Essential features such as virtual networking, live snapshots, drag and drop and shared folders, and PXE support make VMware Workstation the most powerful and indispensable tool for enterprise IT developers and system administrators.
Here are some key features of "VMware Workstation":
· Streamline software development and testing operations. Create multiple development and testing environments
as virtual machines on a single PC and use them to test "real world" multi-tier configurations, complex networks, and multiple operating systems and applications all on a single machine.
· Improve team collaboration. The portability and hardware-independent properties of virtual machines, coupled with new features in VMware Workstation, lets users easily share development environments and pre-packaged testing configurations without risk, and also facilitates collaboration between development and QA.
· Enhance the productivity of IT professionals. Allows system administrators and other enterprise IT professionals to test software, including new applications, application updates, and operating system patches, in virtual machines prior to deployment on physical PCs or servers in a production environment. IT help desk departments can create and reference a virtual library of end-user configurations to help them resolve problems more quickly.
· Introduce virtual infrastructure to your enterprise. Virtual machines created in Workstation can be deployed to the other desktop and server virtualization platforms offered by VMware. Introducing VMware Workstation virtualization to the desktop is an ideal first step to transforming your physical IT infrastructure into virtual infrastructure .
الحجم : 518MO
اللغة: الإنجليزية
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