بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
اللهما لا علما لنا الا ما علمتنا
*الاصدار :
Version 3.0.0 PreRelease - FREEE!!
*صورة البرنامج :

*نبذة عن البرنامج :
The SQL Injection TooL designed to examine database through errors in the programming code *** sites, or more precisely, it uses so-called SQL Injections
الية عمل البرنامج :
- Work with injection through GET,POST,GET(inside ******),POST(inside ******)
- Terminal for HTTP RAW (analogue of InetHack)
- Upload file to server through SQL
- Reading every available for reading file on the server
- BackConnect from DB = MsSQL
- Dump DB, if type of DB is MsSQL
- Possibility of a Basic authentication
- Possible Determine of the fields of a SELECT query using the ORDER BY,GROUP BY,UNION SELECT
- Possible replacements comments to analog when filtering
- Possible replacements spaces to analog when filtering
- Possibility of autodetection of KeyWord
- Possibility of autodetection of type DB
- Ability to connect to the servers at random port
- Ability to connect to the proxy-servers to a random port
*رابط التحميل :
إضغط §§§/.
fvkhl[ SQL Injections