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قديم 04-21-2010, 01:17 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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. How to Create an Invisible Folder

It is designed to hide your files from some one who is browsing through files

1. Right click where ever you want the Invisible Folder to be and select Create a new folder.
it might be smart to place it inside a Folder or amongst a group of folders.

2. Right Click on the Folder and hit rename. Erase the name of the Folder so there is nothing there.

3. with the name field still active hold down ALT and press 0160 on the number pad (make sure Num Lock is on), release alt
You should now have a blank name

4. Now click on the nameless Folder and right click. Select Properties.

5. Go to the Customize tab.

6. Find and press the Change Icon button. Scroll through the icons until you find one that has no image.

7. Hit OK and you have an Invisible folder!

With the Invisible Folder you can hide what ever any private data you have

have funn028

How to Create an Invisible Folder


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