التواصل المباشر مع الادارة والاعضاء القدامى من خلال قناة التلغرام

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قديم 10-05-2010, 09:18 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية Prince-of-hacker


إحصائية العضو



6 نسخة السفن رائعة الجمال والقوة Windows 7 Snow Panther v1.1 RG مدمج بها احدث البرامج والثيمات بحجم 3.7 جيجا على اكثر من سيرفر

Windows 7 Snow Panther v1.1 RG


* N0ak95 ™ (formerly skat666) - radikal modds company © 2010

- System requirements

* 32-bit processor (x86) to 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher. * Calendar of 512 mb ram. * Distance erect available disk 16 gb. * DirectX 9 device driver scheme WDDM 1.0 or higher.

- Progress of the unattended installation

* Select disk to install granite.

- Default user profile:

* Keyboard: * United States currency and date format: English (United States) * Time Zone: Eastern Time (U.S. & Canada) * Language: en-us (English)

- Language

* English

- Updates

* All updates to the August 22, 2010 -> total: 341 -> Save KB971033 <- Windows activation technologies

ISO Information

* Uncompressed size: 3.69 GB * Windows 7 Ultimate: version 6.1 (build 7600) * 7 rg.iso Snow Panther v1.1 x86 * crc32: 0daa1857 * md5: 662de81c206141caeef8540b1819c3fd * sha-1: ae9c549c15895d68cd94fe34b9023867fa463a08

- Components removed

* No components have been removed.

- Aid:

No disabled:

* * Parental control backup Windows * remote registry

No manual:

* Windows update * keep * Windows security center

(To enable a relief type, services.msc in the Start menu and enabled xdark or use the services manager)

- Applications
(snow Panther post install script)

* Snow Panther winrar 3.93 (tweaked) * directx june 2010 * k-lite mega codec pack 6.3.0 * 21 * java runtime update HashTab jdownloader 3.0 * 0.9580 * 1 * lockhunter flash player (ie) * flash player 10.1. 82.76 (non-ie) * adobe air adobe shockwave plugin * 11.5 * 4 * microsoft silverlight Snow Panther killer firefox 3.6.8 (tweaked) * Snow Panther gom media player (tweaked) * 3.5 * driver magician microangelo display on BurnAware Professional 3.0.2 6.1 * * Snow foxit reader pro * PerfectDisk 11 C178 * registry workshop 4.2.5 (tweaked) * Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.4.1 (tweaked) * sptd * v172 Windows media player plus! Advanced System Optimizer 1.1 * 3.1 * WinPatrol plus 18.1.2010 * 0.9.13 * desktop hulu cd art display xdark 2.1 (tweaked) * c + + 2010 * 4 * net framework games for Windows live 3.2 * 8.4 * vmware tools Windows malicious software removal tool 3.10 (August 2010)

Size : 3.7 GB

النسخة غير مفعلة وللتفعيل حمل باتش التفعيل



1. http://takemyfile.com/849678
2. http://takemyfile.com/849679
3. http://takemyfile.com/849680
4. http://takemyfile.com/849681
5. http://takemyfile.com/849682
6. http://takemyfile.com/849683
7. http://takemyfile.com/849684
8. http://takemyfile.com/849685
9. http://takemyfile.com/849686
10. http://takemyfile.com/849687
11. http://takemyfile.com/849688
12. http://takemyfile.com/849689
13. http://takemyfile.com/849690
14. http://takemyfile.com/849691
15. http://takemyfile.com/849692
16. http://takemyfile.com/849693
17. http://takemyfile.com/849694
18. http://takemyfile.com/849695


1. http://takemyfile.com/849696
2. http://takemyfile.com/849697
3. http://takemyfile.com/849698
4. http://takemyfile.com/849699
5. http://takemyfile.com/849700
6. http://takemyfile.com/849701
7. http://takemyfile.com/849702
8. http://takemyfile.com/849703
9. http://takemyfile.com/849704
10. http://takemyfile.com/849705
11. http://takemyfile.com/849706
12. http://takemyfile.com/849707
13. http://takemyfile.com/849708
14. http://takemyfile.com/849709
15. http://takemyfile.com/849710
16. http://takemyfile.com/849711
17. http://takemyfile.com/849712
18. http://takemyfile.com/849713

ksom hgstk vhzum hg[lhg ,hgr,m Windows 7 Snow Panther v1>1 RG l]l[ fih hp]e hgfvhl[ ,hgedlhj fp[l 3>7 [d[h ugn h;ev lk sdvtv


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-05-2010, 09:26 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية majjati


إحصائية العضو




مشكوووور اخي PrInCe-Of-HaCKeR
جزاك الله بخير


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-05-2010, 09:35 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
الصورة الرمزية Prince-of-hacker


إحصائية العضو




مشكووور على المرور العطر


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-10-2010, 06:49 AM   رقم المشاركة : 4 (permalink)
معلومات العضو
مجروح هكر
الصورة الرمزية مجروح هكر


إحصائية العضو




مشكووووووور اخوي والله يعطيك العافية


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