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قديم 10-10-2010, 08:44 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1 (permalink)
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الصورة الرمزية Prince-of-hacker


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6 نسخة اكس بى متوافقة مع جميع ماركات اللاب توب Windows XP Professional SP3 OEM 12 in1 For Laptop على اكثر من سيرفر

Windows XP Professional SP3 OEM 12 in1 For Laptop

ويندوز اكس بي بروفيشونال
متوافقة مع جميع ماركات اللاب توب

Supported: Acer, Asus, Compaq, Dell, Emachines, Gateway, HP, IBM, Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba, Compaq

OEMScan automates multi-manufacture installation Windows XP/2003 CD s by scanning the bios (0xE0000-0xFFFFF) for a Royalty OEM s SLP string and copying over the appropriate OEMBIOS files for Windows XP activation.
This copy has not been touched from its original state. You will have a 100% legitimate system.

With Windows XP Professional SP3, you get safer browsing and communication, powerful security tools, and improved experiences. Windows XP is the operating system release that unifies the Microsoft range, with all the desktop versions now built on the NT/2000 code base rather than the shakier foundation of Windows 95, 98, and Me. That makes XP a great upgrade for users of the now-obsolete 9x and Me line, but for those already on Windows 2000 Professional it is a closer call. Despite the similar name, there is no special synergy between Windows XP and Office XP


1. UnRAR
2. Burn to CD
3. Boot from this cd
4. No ****** or Activation need with OEM machine
5. For non oem machine, use Windows Genuine Advantage Validation

SIZE : 810 MB

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1. http://takemyfile.com/861329
2. http://takemyfile.com/861330
3. http://takemyfile.com/861331
4. http://takemyfile.com/861332



1. http://takemyfile.com/861362
2. http://takemyfile.com/861363
3. http://takemyfile.com/861364
4. http://takemyfile.com/861365



1. http://takemyfile.com/861374
2. http://takemyfile.com/861375
3. http://takemyfile.com/861376
4. http://takemyfile.com/861377



1. http://takemyfile.com/861383
2. http://takemyfile.com/861600
3. http://takemyfile.com/861601
4. http://takemyfile.com/861382

ksom h;s fn lj,htrm lu [ldu lhv;hj hgghf j,f Windows XP Professional SP3 OEM 12 in1 For Laptop ugn h;ev lk sdvtv


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