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المحادثة بين PASSEWORD و houssni
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 2 من 2
    04-22-2009 12:16 AM - permalink
    hi my brother
    if you want to crypt your sever from antivirus try to learn hex and reverse engenering and you will crypt your server
    i am sorry but i cant help you this days because i have many exames
    have a nice day
  2. houssni
    04-21-2009 11:28 PM - permalink
    salam i want to crypt one server well if u want too help me i wanan this server never no anti virus or internet securyty can detcte it well if u wanna help me im morocan im bad in anglish and hacking i have 21 years
    ok see you passeword and thxa lottttt for all the things u are veryyyy coool thx salame

الساعة الآن 07:50 AM

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